30 Unique At-Home Bridal Shower Ideas

30 Unique At-Home Bridal Shower Ideas

It’s summertime and that means weddings GALORE! If you’ve been asked to, or even offered to, throw a bridal shower before you know that coming up with ideas to make it fun and enjoyable can be a little challenging. You want the bride and the guests to have a good time! I’m sure we’ve all been to those showers where the whole time, in the back of your head, you’re thinking, How soon can I leave without seeming rude…? I’m hoping these bridal shower ideas will take your guests from When can I leave? to, Dang! This girl can really throw a bridal shower! Is she for hire?! 😉

drink recipes with sprite

10 Non-Alcoholic Drink Recipes Using Sprite, Ginger Ale, or 7UP

The weather is finally starting to warm up here in Utah. Hallelujah! Bring on the BBQs and outdoor parties! I hope I’m not the only one, but when I get asked to bring something to a party there are certain food items I’m comfortable making and others that I avoid like the plague. “Sure, I’ll bring a dessert and chips and a bowl of fruit, no problem! Oh, you want me to bring a pasta or potato salad? Actually, I’m going to be sick that day…” 😉 Side salads have really never been my thing, and neither have DRINKS. Yeah, I can pick up a few bottles of soda, but I’d rather have it be something special and the drink section in my recipe binder is slim to say the least! If your collection of drink recipes could use some bulking up as well, check out these 22 non-alcoholic party drinks and try one out next time you find yourself saying yes to, “Will you bring the drinks??”

24 of the BEST General Conference Talks of All Time

24 of the BEST General Conference Talks of All Time

LDS General Conference is coming up again on April 2nd and 3rd, and I can’t wait! I love General Conference because it’s a time we get to hear from our prophet and church leaders and enjoy a spiritual feast! No matter what I’m struggling with at the time, I always seem to find comfort and answers by listening to the General Conference messages. The conference is broadcast on television and radio and everyone is invited to watch or listen. Even if you aren’t a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, there is so much shared through the music and talks at General Conference that can enlighten and uplift you as a person. For

33 Popular Christmas Movies for Families

33 Popular Christmas Movies for Families

Back when I lived at home, we’d watch the classics every year as a family: Miracle on 34th Street, White Christmas, A Christmas Carol, It’s a Wonderful Life, etc. So if you’ve been looking for some great family Christmas movies to watch this year, look no further! Here is a list of some awesome movies that will definitely get YOUR family pumped for Christmas and they are all available on Amazon.

breastfeeding products

The Best Breastfeeding Products for New Moms ~ Voted on Facebook!

Hey Ladies! It’s Mariah, here again sharing some of the best breastfeeding products with you today! I’ve been breastfeeding my little man for 11 months now. It’s been quite the adventure, but I’ve learned a lot and come across some really great products along the way. However, with this being my first baby, I’m DEFINITELY NOT an expert on the subject. That’s why I asked the wonderful and amazing ‘Or so she says…’ Facebook followers for their recommendations too! Whether you’re a brand new mom not knowing where to start or a mother of six looking for upgrades, I hope you can find something on this list that will make your breastfeeding experience a better one…

teenage birthday party

16 Teenage Birthday Party Ideas That’ll Make You the Coolest Parent on the Block!

Teenage birthday parties are tough because princess and pirate themes are no longer an option and you’re limited to what’s “cool,” which is an ever-changing and somewhat risky thing for parents to shoot for… That being said, I went hunting and found 16 birthday party ideas for teenagers that I think (hey, I’m just shooting to be cool too) could win you the title of “Cool Parent” (at least until you have to take away their cell phone again) and make your teenager’s next birthday party the best yet!

35 Ways to Use Norwex Cleaning Paste – FREE Printable!

35 Ways to Use Norwex Cleaning Paste – FREE Printable!

Let’s talk about ways to use Norwex Cleaning Paste. Basically, it can do anything. I mean, it can remove PERMANANT marker! How freakin’ sweet is that?! I love using my cleaning paste for cleaning my glass-top stove and for whitening grimy grout in my bathroom. It really is so versatile. And it’s environmentally friendly! Check out these ingredients: marble-flour, natural soap, and coconut oil. Safe and simple ingredients that get the job done!

20 Impossibly Cute Halloween Costumes for Babies & Toddlers - See the full list on www.orsoshesays.com. #halloween #costumes #costumeideas #baby

20 Impossibly Cute Halloween Costumes for Babies & Toddlers (she: Mariah)

I’ve been perusing through Etsy and, let me tell you, their baby and toddler costumes will make you feel warm fuzzies all over! They are so stinking cute! I’ve picked out some of my favorites for this post. Buy them or craft them now or a half hour before, but have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 😉

25 Book Club Favorites ~ suggested from book club members! #bookclub #books www.orsoshesays.com

25 Favorite Book Club Picks

Who doesn’t love curling up with a good book?! I used to read a lot before I got married and popped out a baby… It’s crazy how caught up you can get in your “To Do” lists and appointments and kids’ soccer practices and never really take any time for yourself. I think finding time to sit down, relax, and read a great book every once in a while could keep us all from becoming stressed-out-groucho-moms and wives!

So to assist you in your efforts to find stress-relief we thought we’d ask some actual book club members (from the ‘Or so she says…’ Facebook page) what their favorite book choices have been and share them with all of you

General Conference Activity Ideas #generalconference #lds #mormon

20 General Conference Activities for Toddlers and Youth

Hey friends! Did you know LDS General Conference is coming up on April 4th and 5th?? I’m so excited! (What is General Conference, you ask? Follow this link where Mariel gives a great explanation.) I always get excited for General Conference because I know that I will come out of it feeling spiritually uplifted and strengthened, with a determination to be a better person. I think that it’s pretty great, but I know that getting your kids to understand the “awesomeness” of General Conference can be a challenge. I mean, it isn’t exactly like you’re sitting them down in front of their favorite movie for two hours! While it may not be the most excited thing they’ve ever watched on TV, there is a wealth of spiritual messages being shared that they CAN learn something from.