30 Unique At-Home Bridal Shower Ideas

30 Unique At-Home Bridal Shower Ideas

It’s summertime and that means weddings GALORE! If you’ve been asked to, or even offered to, throw a bridal shower before you know that coming up with ideas to make it fun and enjoyable can be a little challenging. You want the bride and the guests to have a good time! I’m sure we’ve all been to those showers where the whole time, in the back of your head, you’re thinking, How soon can I leave without seeming rude…? I’m hoping these bridal shower ideas will take your guests from When can I leave? to, Dang! This girl can really throw a bridal shower! Is she for hire?! 😉

girls-night-out gift bags
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Girls Night Out Gift Bags… Fun & Inexpensive Ideas (she: Mel)

Hey! It’s Mel from So Festive {Simple Ways to Celebrate}. Are you all having a great summer? We sure are! Summer is winding down. In fact, where we live, most kids have already started school. After the hustle and bustle of summer ending, you might deserve a little Girls Night Out.

And if you are going to have a Girls Night Out, you might as well put together some favor bags. Because who doesn’t love a fun swag bag?

Check out my fun and inexpensive ideas, and let me know in the comments what you’d include in a Girls Night Out gift bag for your friends.

washi tape toppers
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2-Minute Washi Tape Toppers (she: Mel)

Hello there, Or So She Says readers! My name is Melissa, but you can me Mel. I blog over at So Festive!, a blog featuring all sorts of simple ideas to make your holidays, parties, and life more festive. I’m super excited to be a new holidays and party contributor here. My entire goal is to share real ideas for real people and inspire you to make life more festive. Because life is to be enjoyed, right? I’ll show you how, simply. I certainly don’t have an endless budget, nor do I always have the time to run to the store to get a last-minute supply. And heaven knows half of my festive ideas come about 15 minutes before the party starts. So I have to improvise. You’d be surprised at how many things you can do with the stuff you already have. My post for today is all about that: using up something you probably have in your craft drawer. Or room. (Whatever type of person you are.) Today’s idea takes just a few minutes, and I think you’ll love it.

Banana Split Mini Bundts | Baking a Moment
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Banana Split Mini Bundt Cakes (she: Allie)

Banana Split Mini Bundt Cakes are such a Fun Treat! Moist Banana Cake is Filled with Pineapple, and Topped with Strawberry Buttercream, Chocolate Sauce, Peanuts, and a Cherry on Top. Perfect for your next Party!

When I think of Spring, I think of birthday parties. Both my boys were Spring babies, and I love that! When they were first born, I loved that just when we were ready to venture out of our little cocoon, gorgeous warm breezes were beckoning us to go on long stroller walks. And now that they’re bigger, I love that presents, parties, and games are there for them, just when their house-bound stir-craziness is at a fever pitch.

Since baking’s my favorite, I always try to come up with something super-special and fun for them on their birthdays. I think these Banana Split Mini Bundt Cakes definitely fit the bill!

colorful tulle circle banner_createandbabble
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Circle Tulle Banner Tutorial (she: Jeanie)

Hi again! It’s Jeanie from Create & Babble, back today to share a tutorial on how I made this pretty banner using tulle circles. There are so many occasions where this banner could be used: baby showers, wedding showers, birthday parties or in my case: no occasion at all! Besides this banner being incredibly easy to make, it costs next to nothing to make!

All you need to make this banner are tulle circles in the color(s) of your choice, sewing machine or needle and thread. I had some tulle circles on hand. Why would I have tulle circles on hand?

Simple way to upcycle baby food jars (she: Emily)
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Simple way to upcycle baby food jars (she: Emily)

Well hello there Or So She Says readers! I’m Emily and you can usually find me on my blog, Finding My Aloha. I am a blissfully happy young wife and mother. Interior design is my main passion but I love to design and create through just about any medium. I am a military spouse and…