Are you a Disney obsessed bride to be? Are you taking a honeymoon to Disneyland? These Bride Minnie Mouse Ears are a perfect choice if you’re looking a Disney themed bridal shower idea, or are celebrating your nuptials at the Disneyland Resort. Honestly, you could just wear these bride Minnie ears whenever and I wouldn’t judge!

These Bride Minnie Mouse Ears are a perfect choice if you're looking a Disney themed bridal shower idea, or are celebrating your nuptials at the Disneyland Resort. #bridalshowerideas #bridalshower #brideminniemouseears #brideears #minniemouse #mouseears #DIY #disney #OSSSdoesdisney

Disneyland is a popular destination for happy life events and weddings are no exception! If you are heading to the Disney Parks to celebrate your marriage, then you need these adorable ears. Whether it is for a bridal party or a honeymoon, these Bride Minnie Mouse Ears are going to add just the right Disney touch to your celebration! Get ready to sparkle and shine with your own pair of Bride Minnie Mouse Ears. Are you ready to get crafting?

These Bride Minnie Mouse Ears are a perfect choice if you're looking a Disney themed bridal shower idea, or are celebrating your nuptials at the Disneyland Resort. #bridalshowerideas #bridalshower #brideminniemouseears #brideears #minniemouse #mouseears #DIY #disney #OSSSdoesdisney

Bridal Shower Idea: Bride Minnie Mouse Ears

I have made a lot of Minnie Mouse Ears over the years. You can see my DIY Toy Story Jessie Ears, Halloween Minnie Ears, and DIY Mickey Ears here on OSSS. Minnie Ears are one of my very favorite things to craft. There are so many options for style and design. These Minnie Mouse Bride Ears are some of my very favorite. You are going to love making them, I promise!

Bridal Shower Idea: Bride Minnie Mouse Ears Prep

Start by tracing two circles onto a thick white foam sheet. You can find the thick foam sheets on Amazon, or at any craft store like Michael’s. Foam sheets at craft stores are a little bit thicker than the standard kind that is sold at Walmart, and the thicker ones work better for this project. If you can only get a thin sheet, just double it up so the ears have a bit more heft.

The circles should be about 4 inches in diameter, and I just used a lotion bottle as a template. Anything round that is about that size will do!

Cut the circles out with sharp scissors. Then, snip a little swoosh out of one side so they are curved.

Set the Minnie Ears aside for a minute. It’s time to fancy up the headband! You can honestly buy a very inexpensive brand of headband because you will embellish it enough that you can’t tell how cheap and plain it used to be.

Glue the two headbands together with hot glue. Squeeze them tight as the glue dries to make sure the two bands stay lined up well.

Bridal Shower Idea: Bride Minnie Mouse Ears

Wrap the headbands with the thicker, 1/2 inch white ribbon. Put some hot glue at the end of the band and attach the ribbon.

Wrap the ribbon around the headband over and over again. Overlap the ribbon quite a bit with each rotation. Add dots of glue on the inside of the headband as you go, as this will help hold the ribbon in place. After you have covered the whole headband with the 1/2 inch white ribbon, tuck the end of the ribbon over and glue it in place to make a nice, clean, finished edge.

Next, add the white foam ears you cut out to the bride headband. Lay the headband down and put the ears in place before you glue them so you can see where they need to go. Leave about three inches of space between the two ears.

These Bride Minnie Mouse Ears are a perfect choice if you're looking a Disney themed bridal shower idea, or are celebrating your nuptials at the Disneyland Resort. #bridalshowerideas #bridalshower #brideminniemouseears #brideears #minniemouse #mouseears #DIY #disney #OSSSdoesdisney

Drag a strip of hot glue along the curved snip and press it in place on the center of the headband. Hold the ear in place while the glue hardens. The foam kind of melts and squishes right onto the headband. It’s pretty convenient.

Now, cover the outside edge of the Bride Minnie Mouse ears with thin, 1/4 inch white ribbon. Start at the base where the ear meets the headband. Tuck the ribbon under to hide the cut edge. Glue it all the way around the ear. Tuck and hide the finished end on the other side of the ear. This just helps the bride ears look more professional. It cleans up the edges of the foam ears which may have been a little rough when cut.

Bridal Shower Idea: Bride Minnie Mouse Ears Embellishments

Now for the fun part…decorating! As long as you’re using lightweight flowers, or other embellishments, you can be creative! Just remember the headband will be on your, or your bride’s, head so you don’t want it to be super heavy. I like these white flowers from Amazon because they’re very small and have that little bit of bling.

Lay the flowers out on the front of the Minnie ears. Play with the arrangement until you are happy with the look. I wanted a ton of flowers on mine so I went all out and really layered them in there.

These Bride Minnie Mouse Ears are a perfect choice if you're looking a Disney themed bridal shower idea, or are celebrating your nuptials at the Disneyland Resort. #bridalshowerideas #bridalshower #brideminniemouseears #brideears #minniemouse #mouseears #DIY #disney #OSSSdoesdisney

When you like how your Bride Minnie Ears look, start attaching the flowers one by one with a small dot of glue on the back of each. This part should go pretty quickly!

These Bride Minnie Mouse Ears are a perfect choice if you're looking a Disney themed bridal shower idea, or are celebrating your nuptials at the Disneyland Resort. #bridalshowerideas #bridalshower #brideminniemouseears #brideears #minniemouse #mouseears #DIY #disney #OSSSdoesdisney

Bride Minnie Mouse Ears: Add the Veil

Now it’s time to give the Minnie ears a real bridal touch by adding a veil. I just love this part too. Use a roll of white tulle. Cut six 15 inch strips of tulle.

You will add each strip individually to the top of the Bride Minnie Mouse Ears. Fold the top of a strip into fourths so it is narrow at the top.

Then, bend the top edge under itself by about 1/2 an inch so you don’t have a rough finish. Glue the folded portion onto the headband starting right next to the edge of one of the ears. The tulle should be attached so that it flows towards the back of the Bride Minnie Mouse ears.

Continue to fold each strip of tulle into fourths and tuck under the top edge. Glue each section onto the headband overlapping the previous tulle strip by about 1/2 inch. Remember that the hot glue will go right through the tulle, burning your fingers if you’re not careful!

It should look like this when you are finished.

As you can see, I really like flowers. So I bought some pink flowers to coordinate with the white I used on the bride Minnie Mouse ears. And what bride doesn’t like flowers on her big day? If you want to add a big Minnie bow to the center of the ears, that would be another cute option.

Add as many flowers as it takes to fill the space and look pretty. I used just three, but you can customize the look for your bride Minnie Mouse ears.

These Bride Minnie Mouse Ears are a perfect choice if you're looking a Disney themed bridal shower idea, or are celebrating your nuptials at the Disneyland Resort. #bridalshowerideas #bridalshower #brideminniemouseears #brideears #minniemouse #mouseears #DIY #disney #OSSSdoesdisney

Bridal Shower Idea: Bride Minnie Mouse Ears Final Product

Guess what? You’re finished!

These Bride Minnie Mouse Ears are a perfect choice if you're looking a Disney themed bridal shower idea, or are celebrating your nuptials at the Disneyland Resort. #bridalshowerideas #bridalshower #brideminniemouseears #brideears #minniemouse #mouseears #DIY #disney #OSSSdoesdisney

Your Bride Minnie Mouse Ears are ready to say “I do!”  Wear them during a bachelorette party at the Happiest Place on Earth or on your honeymoon at the Disney Parks. You will feel like a true princess. I think it’s pretty much mandatory to have some adorable Minnie bling to celebrate your big day! Enjoy being in the spotlight. To book your Disneyland trip, definitely contact the knowledgeable agents at Get Away Today. They guarantee the best prices, and have so many great deals on Disneyland tickets and hotels. Let them know ‘Or so she says…’ sent you, and use code OSSS10 for $10 off your Southern California vacation package.

These Bride Minnie Mouse Ears are a perfect choice if you're looking a Disney themed bridal shower idea, or are celebrating your nuptials at the Disneyland Resort. #bridalshowerideas #bridalshower #brideminniemouseears #brideears #minniemouse #mouseears #DIY #disney #OSSSdoesdisney

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