The Best Primary Talks for Kids are ready for the month of July. There are four simple talks based on the Come Follow Me Lesson for each week of  the month. 

The Book of Mormon has so many simple and beautiful teachings for children. Scripture language can often feel hard to understand, but Alma has a way of making the Gospel come to life! The primary talks for the month of July are all the best!

In July, children get to learn about small and simple things, growing a testimony, the importance of keeping promises, and how to know that God is real. 

I hope you can use these primary talks in your meetings at home with your families. Some wards have started to transition back to church with just sacrament meeting. Most of these altered meetings are short and focused primarily on the sacrament ordinance. Very few, if any, have introduced Primary back into the schedule. So, these talks are extremely important and beneficial. I encourage everyone to get your children involved with Gospel lessons at home by using these primary talks! My kids love taking turns teaching each other and presenting talks in our “home-based Primary meetings’ each week. 

You can download the best primary talks for kids by clicking the PDF link in each section. Or, just use your tablet or device and read the talk directly from the images on this post. 

July 5th Best Primary Talk: Why I Keep A Promise

One of the 10 Commandments states, “Thou Shalt Not Lie.” Heavenly Father only gave Moses ten things to do and one of them was to tell the truth. It must be really important. One way to tell the truth is to keep a promise. When we make an important promise with Heavenly Father is is called a covenant. Covenants are special contracts between us and God. He expects us to do what we say. We can always count on Heavenly Father keeping his promises to us!

The Anti-Nephi-Lehies were a group of people in the Book of Mormon. They made a special promise with God that they would not fight in any wars. They even buried their weapons in the ground to show God that they were going to keep their promise. Heavenly Father blessed the people for being honest and staying true. They were protected from harm.

We can look to their example and work hard to keep our covenants. Heavenly Father will bless us with peace and safety, just like the people in the Book of Mormon!

Download PDF: Why I Keep A Promise


July 12th Talk for Kids: God Is Real

How do I know that God is real? That is a good question! There are a lot of people on the earth that do not know about Heavenly Father. They do not have the gospel. But, I do!

The gospel has taught me that God is my Father and He loves me. I can look around and see a witness of His love. So can you! Look at the sky and see the beautiful sun, moon and stars. They remind us to think about heaven and bring light to our world. The light can remind us about Jesus. Look out your window at the trees, flowers, and grass. Heavenly Father and Jesus created a world that is beautiful so we could know that they love us. Can you feel God’s love when you are out in nature?

Think about your scriptures, the prophet, your primary teacher, the Bishop, and your parents and family. God gave us the Gospel and people to help guide our way. I hope we will all take a minute to look and see the creations that God made to help us remember Him. He is real. He loves all of his children.

Download PDF: God Is Real

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July 19th Printable Primary Talk: Testimony is Like A Seed

Do you think that trees all start out tall? Do flowers begin with colorful petals? Does a strawberry plant start it’s growth by producing giant red strawberries? Of course not! All of these things start from just a tiny seed. Once a seed is planted it can begin to grow. Some plants take just a few days to begin to sprout. Others take longer!

In the scriptures, Alma compares a testimony to a seed. It takes time to develop and grow. There are some things you can do to help your testimony grow fast and be strong. First, you need to have faith and a desire to learn. Then, study the gospel. Water your testimony with prayer and by living the commandments. Give your testimony sunlight by sharing what you know to be true through your actions and words.

Heavenly Father will bless you with fruit! Some of the fruit of a testimony is happiness, purpose, peace, and protection. I challenge you to plant a testimony seed and work to make it grow. 

Download PDF: Testimony Is Like A Seed

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July 26th Best Church Talk for Kids: Small and Simple Things

A scripture in the Book of Mormon states: that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass. What is a small and simple thing? And, how can it be important?

Most of your day is made up of small decisions and actions. What decisions have you made today? Did you decided to make your bed or brush your hair? Did you choose what to eat for breakfast? Did you wash your dish when you finished? Did you pray or read a scripture? There are so many choices to make every day! These little choices add up to create a whole life. It may seem crazy, but small choices can make a big difference over time.

For example, if you choose to smile and say, “Good morning!” to your family when you wake up instead of being grumpy, you will end up being a happier person. If you make the simple choice to say, “Thank you!” to your mom for making breakfast it will make you a more kind and grateful person. Each small choice molds you into the person you will become. I challenge you to make choices that will bring you closer to God and help you become more like Jesus.

Download PDF: Small and Simple Things

Best Primary Talks for Kids #OSSS #PrimaryTalk #SmallAndSimpleThings #Gospel #ComeFollowMe

I hope these talks are helpful to you and your family! Make sure to stop by each month for new content! We always provide the best Primary Talks for kids out there! 
#OSSS #PrimaryTalk #SmallAndSimpleThings #Gospel #ComeFollowMe #GodIsReal