God answers prayers! If you are praying for the perfect resource for primary talks, then you have been led to the right place. Check out our printable primary talks. They make speaking in church easy and meaningful.
Has your child been asked to give a talk in Primary for the month of August? These age-appropriate printable primary talks are written on topic and ready to go! God Answers Prayers.

Each month, children are asked to participate in the Primary program by saying prayers, giving talks, and reading scriptures. It is a great way for primary children to grow in confidence and feel the Spirit. The theme for the Month of August is “Heavenly Father Hears and Answers My Prayers.” I love this theme! It is so important for children to understand they they have a Father in Heaven that loves them and is waiting to hear from them at anytime. What a blessing it is to teach this important truth at such a young age.
God Answers Prayers Printable Primary Talk Templates
There are three subtopics for the Month of August. Each weekly topic covers a different aspect of prayer. You can download these sweet and simple talks right here on our site. Some of the talks have fill-in-the-blank sections where the child can input their own thoughts and experiences to make the presentation more meaningful and personal.
Week 1: The Scriptures Teach Me How To Pray
Week 2: Heavenly Father Wants Me To Pray To Him Often- Anytime, Anywhere
Week 3 and 4: Answers To Prayers Come From Heavenly Father In Many Ways
Primary Leaders: Print off a copy to have on hand for Sunday meetings. If a child does not show up prepared to give their talk, you can provide them with a talk to give! They can also be used when the child who has been asked to give the talk does not show up to primary that day. It takes the stress out of the process and helps the Spirit stay close.
Parents: To make these talks personalized, there are a few missing parts of the script that you get to fill in, together, with your child. That way, the child giving the talk feels that they have contributed to the message in their own special way.
God answers prayers. It is a basic truth that covers a wide variety of religions and beliefs. I hope these talks about prayer helps your child express their tender feelings in a meaningful and easy way. Make sure to check out our other printable Primary Talks we have available on our site. We offer new talks each month!
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