I hope you have enjoyed all of the Valentine printables this week!  Next week is another favorite series of mine, Forever My Valentine… remember that one??  The one where we get a sneak peak into the love life of random people??  Ha, yep!  But more than satisfying any nosey-needs we might have, all of these posts should inspire you and give you some great gift ideas for Valentine’s Day.  Oh, and I almost forgot… ANOTHER fun series will be running all through February, every Sunday (starting in 2 days!)  It’s an inspirational series all about love, and what it is.  I’m excited to share it with you!  It’s been on my mind for months and it’s finally time to get it out there.

Now on to the final Valentines printable for the week… my girls and I found these fun pens in our local grocery store.  The heart lights up when you write.  Awesome.  We were determined to come up with something clever for a Valentine, so they could put the pens with them.  Obviously, this would work for a pencil or pen, and I’m sure there are zillions of cute Valentines ones out in the stores.  I hope.

'You've got AWESOME written all over you' Printable Valentine www.orsoshesays.com
Pencil Valentine’s Printable:

Pencil Valentines www.orsoshesays.com
Pencil Valentines Printable ~ Click Here to Download ~ For Personal Use Only

For more free Valentine’s Day printables, check out these posts: Our Mad Libs Love Story, ‘You’re So Sharp’ Valentine, ‘You Are My Sunshine’ Valentine, Valentines Printables for Lovers , Valentine’s Day Family Tradition, and Goldfish Valentines Printable.