These talks are written based on the Come Follow Me Lessons for December. They make speaking in church easy! December is a busy month. I would guess the busiest of the whole year. These helpful printable primary talk pages will take one item off of your December To-Do List and create a little more peace on earth for your family this holiday season.

primary talks

Primary Talk Pages for Children ~ December 2019

Each of the five primary talk pages templates are written based on the lesson content from the Come Follow Me manual for Primary Children. I am always amazed at how many important gospel lessons can be taught in simple ways that children can understand.

You can click on the link below each talk to find a printable PDF version of the talk. Additionally, there is an option to download a single file with all five talks in one document. This version is perfect for Primary Leaders who want to be prepared in case a child does not bring a talk to share.

Download the combined talks here: December Primary Talk Templates

Come Follow Me Primary Talk: Rejoice With Joy – December 1st

Have you ever felt scared or nervous about something? I have. Sometimes things happen that make me feel sad and hurt. Jesus taught us that we can feel joy even during hard times.

How can I feel joy when I fall and skin my knee? Or, feel happy when I am sick and have to stay home from a birthday party? It seems impossible.

The scriptures teach that trials make us strong. Hard things are important because we have to learn and grow. We know that Jesus and Heavenly Father are always on our side. With them, we can do anything.

The Holy Ghost can bring peace during sad days. We can feel hope that things will get better and feel God’s love. That is joy. That knowledge makes me happy.

Download PDF File Here: Rejoice With Joy

Come Follow Me Primary Talk Pages for Children. This talk is about how we can rejoice with joy even during hard times. #OSSS #Joy #ComeFollowMe #Peace #Primary Talk

Printable Primary Talk: Jesus Is The Light – December 8th

At Christmas time, we hang lights on our houses. Some are colorful, some look like icicles or stars, and some even twinkle. I like to ride in the car at night and look at the lights in my neighborhood. It is pretty.

The lights of Christmas represent Jesus. Jesus is the Light of the World. His light shines bright so we can follow His example. When we keep the commandments, give love, and do our best, we feel His light in our lives.

It is important to show that we remember Him by sharing His light. Find a way to make someone smile. Be a friend. Say your testimony. Give gifts. Be a light for others to follow.

Jesus brings light and hope to the world. I like to celebrate his life during Christmas and all year long. I am glad I have His light in my life.

Download PDF File Here: Jesus Is The Light

This printable primary talk for children is about how Jesus is the Light of the World. We can share His light by serving others. #OSSS #BeTheLight #Jesus #PrimaryTalk #December #ComeFollowMe

Come Follow Me Primary Talk Pages: Let Him In – December 15th

Pretend you are on an outing to visit your Grandma. You drive for awhile in the car to get there. You are excited to see her and give her a hug. There might even be a cookie inside waiting for you. Grandma’s house is so fun!

But, when you get to the front door, no one answers the doorbell. You can see your Grandma inside but she does not let you in. How does that make you feel?

It would make me feel really sad. Good thing it is just pretend.

There is a scripture in the Bible that talks about how Jesus wants to come into our homes. It says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”

Jesus wants to be part of our lives. He can’t really come and knock at the door. But, when we keep the commandments, pray, and do what is right His Sprit can dwell with us. We can feel His love in our lives.

Remember that Jesus is always there at the door. We just need to let him in.

Download PDF File Here: Let Him In

This printable primary talk is based on the Come Follow Me Lesson for December. Christ is aways at the door waiting for us to let Him into our lives. #OSSS #ComeFollowMe #PrimaryTalk #Church #LDS #LetHimIn

Primary Talk Template: A Gift For Jesus – December 22nd

It is almost Christmas Day! I love waking up on Christmas morning to see presents under the tree. It is so exciting to open them. I like to get gifts. I also like to give them to my family and friends. It is a fun tradition.

When Jesus was born, (on the very first Christmas!) he got gifts as well. The Wisemen brought Jesus Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. It wasn’t a remote control car or a new LEGO set! But, the gifts were special. The wisemen traveled very far to come to worship the newborn Savior of the World!

We can give a gift to Jesus too! Jesus doesn’t need new socks or a baseball bat. He needs our love and service.

A gift to Jesus can be as simple as saying a kind word or leaving a thank you note on a pillow for your mom or dad. When we choose the right, it is a gift to Jesus.

Download PDF File Here: A Gift For Jesus

A Gift For Jesus talk for Children in Primary. This talk is about how we can bring a gift to Jesus like the Wise Men of old. #OSSS #GiftForJesus #Wisemen #PrimaryTalk

Come Follow Me Talk for Children: Preparing For The Second Coming – December 29th

We just celebrated the birth of Jesus! Christmas is important. It reminds us that Christ really did come to Earth to live a perfect life. Then, he died to save us.

Jesus is going to come back to Earth one day. He won’t be born quietly and humbly in a stable. The Second Coming will be different. Christ is going to return in glory! Everyone will know that He has returned. It will be a big event.

We can be excited and prepare for the Second Coming. There is no need to be afraid. The Bible compares the Second Coming to a wedding. Weddings are a celebration! People who love Jesus and who keep His commandments will be blessed. We will be protected. And we will be so happy to see Jesus and be with Him again.

I am glad that I know that Christ is real. I look forward to seeing Him again someday.

Download PDF File Here: Preparing For The Second Coming

Primary Talk about Preparing for the Second Coming of Christ. #OSSS #SecondComing #LDS #ComeFollowMe

I hope these talks are helpful for you and your families. We post new Primary Talk content each month, so be sure to come back when you need to! Have a Merry Christmas.

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