April is one of my favorite months of the year! We get to listen to General Conference and, in Utah, Spring is finally here! What could possibly be better?

Last week we had our Easter Program in church. The Primary children were invited to sing the song, “I’m Trying To Be Like Jesus.” Their sweet voices filled the chapel and the message of the song brought the most beautiful spirit into the meeting. Primary children are my favorite! I love how the gospel is so simple. Our primary kids know it and they live it! They are trying to be like Jesus.

Come Follow Me ~ April 2023 Primary Talks

This month’s lessons in Come Follow Me focus on some beautiful teachings from our Savior. I hope you enjoy these simple Primary Talks and that they can make speaking in Primary easy and meaningful for your family.

If you are a Primary Leader and would like to download all three of the April talks, use this link!

Primary talks based on the April Come Follow Me for Primary lessons. Each talk is written for children to read and understand.

Primary Talk April 16th: A Prophet’s Voice

Did you watch church on TV last week? Last Sunday was General Conference. We got to listen to modern day prophets and leaders speak.

The prophet, President Nelson, talked about forgiveness and being a peacemaker. He wants us to be true disciples of Jesus Christ by showing love and kindness.

Think about how we can do that:

  • Saying sorry
  • Offering to help a friend with their homework
  • Inviting someone to walk or ride to school with you
  • Sending a nice message to a friend who made you mad and say you understand

When we follow the Prophet, we are blessed. He is a messenger from the Lord. We should listen and obey.

Download Printable PDF: Primary Talk A Prophet’s Voice

Primary Talk about how the prophet speaks for the Lord. President Nelson taught us to forgive and be peacemakers. #OSSS #PrimaryTalk #Peacemakers #Prophet

Primary Talk April 23rd: Forgiveness

Have you ever played with someone who was not being nice? It doesn’t feel good does it?

When someone is unkind or unfair, we will usually feel angry or sad at first. It is not a good feeling. The best way to feel better is to find a way to forgive them!

Jesus teaches us to love one another and be peacemakers. We follow His example when we forgive.

Forgiveness means we can feel peace again. When we forgive someone, we decide not to be angry with them anymore.

I hope we can follow Jesus and show love and forgiveness.

Download Printable Primary Talk PDF: Forgiveness

Primary Talk about the importance of forgiveness. We can be like Jesus when we show love and forgive. #OSSS #FORGIVE #OSSS #PrimaryTalk

Primary Talk April 30th: Keep The Commandments

Have you ever heard of the word: Commandments?

Commandments are rules and guidelines from God that teach us how to live a safe and happy life.

When we keep the commandments, it helps our testimony to grow! Following Jesus example will help us become more like him. When we walk in his footsteps, the Holy Ghost teaches us that the commandments are true! When we live it, we can know it!

Download Primary Talk PDF: Keep The Commandments

Simple Primary Talk about how when we keep the commandments our testimony can grow. #OSSS #Commandments #PrimaryTalk #LDS #Truth

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