Don’t you just love Primary children? They are my favorite group to work with in the whole Church. It is so fun to watch their eyes light up with understanding and hear their testimonies as they speak about Jesus and Heavenly Father. The messages taught in the Primary Come Follow Me Manuel are simple, easy to understand, and apply to daily life.
These Primary Talks are written for use during Family Home Evening lessons, Come Follow Me discussions at home, or even for Primary meetings at church! I have even seen people use them in Sacrament meeting.
You can download the talks as a PDF and print them out onto paper, or, just read the talk directly from this article. Whatever works for your family is great. Make sure to check back each month for new content!
Come Follow Me Primary Talks for February 2021
If you want to download all four of the Primary Talks for February, use this link: February Primary Talks
Pray Always – Primary Talk For Kids
Think of some things you enjoy doing throughout each day like eating, talking, and playing. What if you could only eat food right before you went to bed? I would be hungry all day long! What if you could only talk out loud to your friends just before the bell rang to go home from school? That would make recess very quiet! What if you could only play right before you left for school? It would be hard to invite friends over and have fun!
Aren’t you glad you don’t have to follow those silly rules?
Have you ever felt like you could only pray at certain times? It is common to pray before bed or at meals. But, Heavenly Father has said we can pray ALWAYS. That means there is no limit to the number of times we can pray each day.
If you feel nervous before a sports game – PRAY!
If you need a little help with your spelling test –PRAY!
If you feel sad and miss your Mom or Dad — PRAY!
If you want to say the right thing to a friend in need–PRAY!
The scriptures teach that when we pray always, we can come off conquerer. That means we will be successful. I know that prayer helps us to choose the right and be closer to Heavenly Father. I hope we can remember to pray always.
Download PDF Talk: Pray Always
Priesthood Is God’s Power – Talk for Primary Age Children
Did you know that without electricity a lightbulb cannot light up a room? It would be just an ordinary piece of glass, metal, and wires without the power to make it glow.
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the priesthood acts like electricity! It gives men the power to act in God’s name. The scriptures teach that the priesthood is God’s power.
Just like a lightbulb can’t light up without power, electricity is not helpful without the lightbulb! It would just be useless.
It takes worthy boys and men to use the priesthood power to serve other people. The lightbulb spreads light and the priesthood holders spread God’s love and serve. The two work hand in had.
Gods power makes it possible for us to be baptised, confirmed, and sealed to our families forever. The priesthood also powers father’s blessings and blessings for healing. I am glad we have the priesthood power on the Earth today.
Download PDF Talk: Priesthood Is God’s Power
I Can Be A Witness – Come Follow Me Primary Talk
If you open the Book of Mormon and look through the first few pages, you will find a page that has the Testimony of the Three Witnesses. The words on the page are written by three men who got to see the golden plates and an angel of God.
In their testimony, they tell about the experience. They want the world to know that the Book of Mormon was translated from the gold plates and that God, Jesus, and The Holy Ghost are real. Their witness helps other people believe in the truth.
You and I can be witnesses to truth just like the Three Witnesses. I have not seen an angel or touched the gold plates with my hands. But, I have read from the scriptures and I believe that they are true. I feel good when I read them.
When I share my testimony it can help other people come closer to Heavenly Father. He wants all His children to return to live with him someday. I can be a witness for Him.
Download PDF Talk: I Can Be A Witness
The Worth Of Souls Is Great – Primary Talk for February Come Follow Me
In the Doctrine and Covenants the Lord states, “Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.”
God is the Father of our spirits. Each person on Earth is a son or daughter of God. We are all part of a family! When Jesus spoke about the worth of souls, He was talking about everyone! Including you and me.
How are we supposed to treat something that has great worth…like a new iPad or fancy bike? We treat it with respect. You wouldn’t crack your electronic screen on purpose or ride your bike through glass and pop the tires!
We should treat people like they are very special too! Here are some ways to show that you value a person:
- Use kind words.
- Serve them when you see a need.
- Respect their opinions and listen when they talk.
- Include people who are lonely.
It is easy to make friends and be kind when you remember their worth is great in the sight of God.
Download PDF Talk: The Worth Of Souls Is Great
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