September is here and that typically signals the beginning of a new school year! The Lord commanded us to study and learn. I believe this should be done in the classroom at school and in the home. The text book that the Lord gives us for our class is the Come Follow Me manual. This year, we are studying the Doctrine and Covenants. Have you enjoyed learning about the early pioneers and reading words that the Lord spoke directly to them? I am so grateful for them and for the sacrifices they made to bring the Gospel to the world!
These Primary Talks are written based on the September Come Follow Me lessons for children. There are so many wonderful teaching moments inspired by the lesson plans. I encourage you all to take time to read them and study them as a family. I need to be better at this as well! I know for a fact that when I make time for gospel study our family is blessed. I’m hoping for an “A” this year.
Primary Talks for September 2021
If you would like to download all four Primary Talks for September you can download them here as a PDF.
Primary Talk September 5- The House of The Lord
How do people know what house you live in? They could learn your address, or look at your name on the mailbox. You could give directions by pointing out landmarks along the route.
Where is the Lord’s house on Earth? There are clues that will show you if you know how to look for them.
The outside of His house says, “Holiness to the Lord, The House of The Lord.” The top of his house has a tall spire to make you look up towards heaven. You can get directions to enter His house by talking to a bishop and getting a recommend.
Do you know what I am talking about? The temple! When you are able to visit the temple, even if it is just to walk around outside, the Lord is happy that you came to His house. We should visit often, to feel the Spirit and be close to Jesus and Heavenly Father.
September 5th PDF – The House of The Lord
September 12th Talk for Primary- Know That I Am God
There is a scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants that says, “Be still and know that I am God.”
Why did God ask the people to be still? Do you like to wiggle and run? I do! It is hard to sit quietly and do nothing.
When we come to church, we are asked to be reverent. This is kind of like the scripture about being still. When we are reverent, we can feel the Spirit.
God can send the Holy Ghost to bring us peace when we are sad, to teach us truth, and to keep us safe from harm. It is so important to have moments when we are quiet so we can listen and hear the still small voice.
I hope we can remember to be still so we can feel Heavenly Father in our lives.
September 12th PDF Talk for Primary – Know That I Am God
September 19th Children’s Talk – Be A Light
Do you like fireworks? I do! They are colorful and bright and they light up the sky with cool patterns. I love to watch them burst and then fade out into the night sky.
Heavenly Father has asked us to let our light shine. I think He wants us to be like a firework! Our light can help people look up towards heaven and feel happy.
How can we be like a firework? Don’t be afraid to stand up for what is right. Burst with the desire to share your testimony. Sprinkle kindness wherever you go. Light up someones life by being a good friend. When you let your light shine, it makes the world a brighter place.
September 19th PDF Children’s Talk – Be A Light
Primary Talk September 26th – I Can Strengthen Others
There is a popular saying that states, “Lean on me when you’re not strong. I’ll be your friend. I’ll help you carry on. For, it won’t be long until I’m going to need, somebody to lean on.”
Did you know that even though you are young and small, you can be a strength to others? It is true. You can let someone lean on you so they can get through a hard time.
Pray for them. Let them talk about how they feel. Tell them that you care. Give a gift of friendship. Offer to help. Invite others to help as well.
The Lord asked us to help and strengthen each other. There will be times when you need to lean on your family and friends, and that is ok too! When we take care of each other, we can all feel happiness and love.
Primary Talk PDF September 26th – I Can Strengthen Others
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- Walk by Faith ~ Family Home Evening Lesson
- Back to School Bucket List for Being and Making a Friend
- Back to School Father’s Blessings ~ FHE Lesson
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