These Come Follow Me Printable Primary Talk templates are written to coordinate with the Come Follow Me lessons for March. Make speaking in church simple and easy with these meaningful messages.
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Have you been enjoying the new 2-hour church block? So far, things are going well for us! I am still figuring out ways to teach my children at home. I think they listened to their Primary teachers better than their own Mama. But, I am sticking with it.
One main change to the new church setup, is that the children’s Primary talk guidelines have changed. The leaders have requested that children give a short thought about the current Come Follow Me lesson. The talk is only supposed to be about 1 minute long. That sure makes things easy. Guess what makes things even easier? These Come Follow Me Printable Primary Talks! Just download the message for your assigned week and you are ready to rock and roll.
Come Follow Me Primary Talk for March 3rd: He Taught As One Having Authority
Do you like gold? I don’t have any gold, but I do have things that I treasure. I treasure ________, and ___________! They are important to me. When Jesus was on the earth, he taught the people the golden rule. It wasn’t about actual gold. He said that we should treat others like we want to be treated. Jesus wanted the people to be kind and helpful. He wants us to follow the golden rule too! I like it when my mom tells me that I did a good job on my homework or after I clean my room. So, I should remember to say “good job!” to people when I notice they work hard on something.
It makes me feel good when I am nice because I know that it makes people happy. Jesus lived a long time ago, but the things he taught back then, are still very important. I want to follow Jesus and live by the Golden Rule.
Come Follow Me Primary Talk for March 10th: They Faith Hath Made Thee Whole
One of my favorite Primary songs is The Miracle. The words say, “Jesus is a God of miracles. Nothing is at all impossible to Him!” That song teaches me about the power of Jesus. Jesus is not an ordinary man. He is special. When He was on the earth, He performed many miracles. He healed the sick, made the blind see, calmed the waters during a storm, turned water into wine and fed thousands with a few loaves of bread and some fish. He saved us all so we can live with Heavenly Father again.
We might not see the same miracles today that happened back then, but there are miracles that happen now. People can get priesthood blessings when they are sick or scared. We can pray for help from the Spirit to find a missing toy or to help us feel peace through a scary night. I know that Jesus was a God of miracles. I am grateful for Him and hope to live with Him again someday.

Come Follow Me Primary Talk for March 17th: These Twelve Jesus Sent Forth
A long time ago when Jesus was on the Earth, He organized the Church of Jesus Christ. Back then, kids didn’t have fun primary teachers to teach them on Sundays. They didn’t have Activity Days and Scouts, or even ward parties. Jesus had to create a whole Church! It was a big job. He needed help. Jesus asked twelve special men to follow him. They were called the Twelve Apostles. The Apostles helped teach people about God. They spread the gospel to the people of the land and supported Jesus. Jesus knew that it was important to have a group apostles leading the Church.
We have the same organization in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today. Jesus has called Twelve Modern Day Apostles to lead us. They teach us what we should do. They keep us safe from harm. The Apostles love the members of the Church and want us to live with Heavenly Father again. We can listen to the Apostles during General Conference. When we follow them, we are following Jesus.
Come Follow Me Primary Talk for March 24th: Who Hath Ears To Hear, Let Him Hear
Do you like to sort things? Have you ever opened a bag of M&M’s and separated them into matching color candy piles? Do you pick out your favorites first and leave the others in the bag uneaten? You can sort socks into matching pairs, crayons into color families, and money into piles with matching values. It is actually kind of fun to organize things. There is a parable in the scriptures called that parable of the sower. A parable is a story with a hidden message! In the story, Jesus explains that the wheat and the tares are going to be sorted. The wheat represents the good people and the tares are the bad ones. Jesus teaches the people that it is important to be part of the wheat group. They are the lucky ones who get to live with Heavenly Father in Heaven and be happy.
I bet you want to be labeled as wheat too. We can be sorted into the good group when we choose the right and follow Jesus. I know this is true.
Come Follow Me Primary Talk for March 31st: Be Not Afraid
Think about a time when you felt really hungry. Where were you? What did it feel like? Was your stomach hurting? Sometimes being hungry can make you feel dizzy or even sad or angry. I don’t like feeling that way. We can read in the scriptures about a time when Jesus was teaching a giant group of hungry people. They wanted to listen to what Jesus was teaching, but they needed some food. So, Jesus collected a few loaves and fishes and blessed them. The disciples put the blessed food in a basket and then they walked around the fed the group. Everyone was able to eat and be filled. It was a miracle.
Jesus can feed us too, just not with actual food! If you ever feel sad or alone or if you feel hungry for happiness, then you need to be fed by the Spirit. The Holy Ghost can fill our hearts with joy and make us feel close to Heavenly Father. It is like eating a big plate of yummy mashed potatoes and gravy or a big slice of homemade bread with butter and jam. Jesus makes us complete. When we listen to His teachings and follow His example, we can be satisfied and content. I love that Jesus wants us to be happy and that He shows us the way.
These simple Come Follow Me Printable Primary Talk templates are short and sweet, but they pack a powerful punch. Children learn basic gospel principles, but, they are the most important messages! These talks teach about miracles, apostles, faith, and the path to true happiness. Children can gain a testimony of Jesus Christ, because they get to know him through scripture stories.
I love the Come Follow Me lessons for children. It makes me so happy to know that my children are gaining a testimony of Christ and learning to follow His perfect example. Also, they feel the Spirit when they share their own testimony when speaking in Primary. I hope your family benefits from these little Come Follow Me Printable Primary Talks. You can use them at home during your own family study hour, or, during Primary school.