Our monthly Easy Primary Talks for Children are here for December! This is my favorite time of the year because we get to really focus on our Savior, Jesus Christ. Primary children love learning about Jesus and celebrating his birth. These four talks are written in a simple way for kids to read and understand. You can download the entire December Come Follow Me Primary Talks set as a PDF, or choose a single talk from the post below. Merry Christmas!

Primary Talks for Children ~ December 2022

December 4 Primary Talk – Waiting For Blessings

Sometimes we have to wait for blessings to come. Waiting isn’t always easy. Think about when you are hungry and you have to wait for dinner to be cooked before you can eat. It is hard! Have you ever had a present wrapped under the Christmas tree that you could not open until Christmas morning? It is hard, but waiting makes the gift even more exciting.

When we wait for blessings from the Lord, we have to trust that He knows best! Trusting the Lord takes faith. Heavenly Father and Jesus love us very much. They want us to be happy. When we trust their timing we can feel peace and joy. They always keep their promises.

Download PDF: Waiting For Blessings

Easy Primary Talk about how waiting for blessings shows faith and trust in God. #OSSS #FAITH #PrimaryTalk #Blessings

Primary Talk December 11 – I Can Be Clean

Have you ever helped your mom or dad do laundry? You put dirty clothes into the washing machine, add soap, and press start. The machine fills with water and cleans the clothes. When the time is up, the laundry is ready to be dried, folded, and put away. It is as easy as that!

Sometimes, we talk about being washed clean when we talk about repentance. When we make mistakes, our sin makes us feel dirty. We don’t have to stay that way! Jesus can help us become clean again. If we pray and repent, it is like we are going through the washing machine. We can be washed clean.

Jesus loves us and he wants us to feel clean and happy. He is always there for us when we need him.

Download PDF: I Can Be Clean

Easy Primary Talk about how repentance makes us feel clean and new. #OSSS #Repentance #PrimaryTalk #ComeFollowMe #Jesus

Easy Primary Talk December 18 – I Am Blessed When I Pay Tithing

We have so many blessings! God gives us countless things to be grateful for. One way to show thanks is to share our blessings with others. In the church, we call it tithing.

Paying tithing is when we give 10 percent of our income back to build the Kingdom of God on Earth. Tithing helps the Church build temples and ward buildings. It pays for missionary efforts and to help people in need.

When we pay tithing, the Lord promises to bless us with even more riches and blessings. It is a privilege to pay tithing.

Download PDF: I Am Blessed When I Pay Tithing

Primary Talk for kids about how paying tithing is a way to show gratitude to God for our blessings. #Tithing #GiveThanks #OSSS #PrimaryTalk

Primary Talk December 25 – A Star Is Born

When Jesus was born, a new star appeared in the sky. The star was used as a guiding light for the Wisemen who wanted to find Jesus. It was also a symbol to all people that God keeps his promises.

Jesus is the shining star in our lives today. He shines brightly. If we follow his example and do the things he asks us to do, we will be led back to live with Heavenly Father and our families in Heaven.

I hope we can remember to look up and keep our focus on Jesus. He is our light.

Download PDF: A Star Is Born

Primary Talk for children about how Jesus is our light. #OSSS #Christmas #StarIsBorn #Jesus #PrimaryTalk

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