100 Books for Children ~ A Great Summer Reading List!
A list of 100 of my favorite books for children! Keep this handy throughout the summer and you’ll find lots of great reads for those lazy days.
A list of 100 of my favorite books for children! Keep this handy throughout the summer and you’ll find lots of great reads for those lazy days.
Hello Ladies…it’s good to be back! I previously shared some creative dating ideas. As a refresher intro, my name is Teresa and I am the 31 year old, still single, female living and loving life in Salt Lake City! Besides being single, I am also a music teacher. To obtain such a position, I did…
Hi, I’m Jill. When I asked to hear the story of my name (because it was part of a second grade “About Me” assignment), I was told my Dad wanted to name me Elizabeth and my mom wanted to name me Tia. After hearing the Mother Goose rhyme infinite number of times with various spins,…
A few weeks back, I had my 3rd grader, Caden, sitting at the table doing a worksheet on the parts of speech, such as: verbs, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, etc. He took a good half hour doing it, and when he was done, I gave him a quick oral quiz…just to be sure he knew his…
Back before I got married, I was a dedicated journal keeper. I think I have seven volumes detailing my years as a girl who liked to kiss boys. Seriously, if I could go back in time I would give myself a kick in the rear. Who knew there was so much more to life than…
I heard this idea recently that I had to share. I think it would be sooo cute for grandparents to give to their grandchildren…or, even just to your own little ones. It’s to record your OWN voice reading stories on CD and include them with the actual book for a gift! My kids LOVE having…
In my home, one of our favorite ways to get excited for an upcoming holidays is to read, read, read! Kids can never have enough stories read to them and it’s extra fun if they have something to do with the approaching holiday…and this time, it’s Halloween. So, I spent some time online reading reviews…
G’day! My name is Mandy Harline and I live in a small township called Sandringham just outside Melbourne, Australia. My hubbie and I and our three little girls have lived here for a little over 2 years now. We moved here from Houston, Texas for my husband’s job. I love taking my kiddies to the…
Hi everyone, I’m Bonnie, Mariel’s sister in law. Here’s my little family to the right. My three kids always keep me busy, but lately the two boys have been pestering me non-stop about telling them stories. Not the kind out of a book, mind you, but stories about me or my husband when we were…
I love to read! But…it doesn’t happen very often that I read a book. I’m usually reading second grade homework assignments, instructions to assemble new toys, and “Where The Wild Things Are”. But, I have managed to sneak in a few minutes of fun reading here and there and finish some books…although, it might take…
Is there a girl in your life that needs a confidence boost?? This great list of confidence building books for girls may be just what they need!
I love reading a good book anytime, but during the summer is great! You can sit outside, sip your beverage of choice and get lost in the pages.Here are my top 5 favorite books, lately: Alicia: My story. This is my all time favorite book that I have read 7 times. It is about a…