My Favorite Books & Advice On Relationships (she: Teresa)

My Favorite Books & Advice On Relationships (she: Teresa)

Hello Ladies…it’s good to be back! I previously shared some creative dating ideas.  As a refresher intro, my name is Teresa and I am the 31 year old, still single, female living and loving life in Salt Lake City! Besides being single, I am also a music teacher. To obtain such a position, I did…

An Awesome Way To Teach Basic Grammar ~ Nouns, Adverbs, Verbs, Adjectives…
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An Awesome Way To Teach Basic Grammar ~ Nouns, Adverbs, Verbs, Adjectives…

A few weeks back, I had my 3rd grader, Caden, sitting at the table doing a worksheet on the parts of speech, such as: verbs, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, etc.  He took a good half hour doing it, and when he was done, I gave him a quick oral quiz…just to be sure he knew his…

Personalized Books on CD ~ A special homemade gift for kids or grandkids!
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Personalized Books on CD ~ A special homemade gift for kids or grandkids!

I heard this idea recently that I had to share.  I think it would be sooo cute for grandparents to give to their grandchildren…or, even just to your own little ones.  It’s to record your OWN voice reading stories on CD and include them with the actual book for a gift!  My kids LOVE having…