date ideas married

27 Date Ideas for Couples Trying to Reconnect

Okay, let’s be real, dinner and a movie is so overdone. It’s like the dating equivalent of plain toast – reliable, but kinda boring. If you’re wanting to reconnect with your spouse, you may need to be a little more creative. Try and think of things to do that get you talking, engaging, reminiscing, etc….

grateful for spouse

How to Be More Grateful for Your Partner ~ Thoughtful Gift Idea!

A few years ago I found myself being a bit too nit picky with my husband day in and day out. I decided to start a daily journal for him. I wanted to make it simple, and not too time consuming or overwhelming. I bought a small notebook, kept it by my bedside, and started writing one positive thing about my husband each night before I went to bed. I did make it an entire year, and I gave the journal to my husband on his birthday the following year. It was a good walk down memory lane for him, but more than that, it was a year full of positive, loving comments all for him!

It’s here! The long awaited LOVE series… ahhh… Forever My Valentine! Each day this week, ‘Or so she says…’ will feature one blog reader and get a sneak peek into their love life… their favorite things, what makes their marriage work, and so much more.

Forever My Valentine ~ A Glimpse Into My Love Life (she: Jessica)

It’s here! The long awaited LOVE series… ahhh… Forever My Valentine! Each day this week, ‘Or so she says…’ will feature one blog reader and get a sneak peek into their love life… their favorite things, what makes their marriage work, and so much more.

Today, I want you to meet Jessica and Dan!

charity in marriage

Why Charity in Marriage is Essential (she: Brooke)

A few months ago, I shared a 365 Reasons to Love Your Spouse Journal here at OSSS. That was my first attempt at offering a small bit of marriage insight with you. And today, I’m going to try my hand at it again. The topic this time, charity in marriage.
For me, pure Christ-like love leaves no room for anger, jealousy, faultfinding, or resentment. Now we are all human, we’ll fall short many times, but I am here to say this charitable love is attainable as we work on it daily.

Battling Pornography in My Home ~ Protecting My Family ~ (he: Dan) Or so she says...
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Protecting My Family From Pornography (he: Dan)

Recently there has been a lot of focus on addiction, and the miracle of addiction recovery. I would imagine that there are few, if any, left in this world who have not been affected by addiction in one form or another. I would like to lend my voice in support of those battling addiction and perhaps even more so to the people in their lives who bear the unbelievably difficult burden of loving and assisting someone in their life struggling with such. I would like to focus specifically on pornography for this post. Pornography, as you will read shortly, has recently found its way into our home.

7 Ways to Make Your Wife's Summer Sizzle

Make Your Wife’s Summer Sizzle – 7 Sure-Fire Ways to Get the Job Done! (he: Dan)

Guys (by way of your gals)! It’s time to ramp up the heat! Summer is here and it’s going to be hot. Why not crank up the heat with your lady? How hot it gets is 1 part weather and 2 parts action. I’m a man. I like action. If my wife’s summer is a-sizzlin’ then I am probably running around on fire as well!

In order to increase the odds I have devised *cough* (asked my wife) what are 7 things I can do raise the temperature on our marriage thermostat. She gave me a few ideas, some I came up with on my very own.

Date Your Spouse – Conversation Prompts For Your Next Date (she: Heather)

Date Your Spouse – Conversation Prompts For Your Next Date (she: Heather)

Remember when you first met and went on dates with your spouse? When you could talk for hours about hopes and dreams and nonsense?

Do you ever go out with your spouse and find that all you talk about now are your kids? Or your family problems and worries? Or maybe you struggle to find something to talk about at all?

Kids and stresses and struggles are important to talk about, but not on our dates. Dates are hard to come by in the first place. They should not be laden with worries. They should be filled with laughter, love, and lots and LOTS of hand holding.

I know what you’re thinking, “If we can’t talk about kids, and struggles, what do we talk about then?”

Here is a list of things you can talk about when you date your spouse. Whether you use them during your Valentine date, or any other date you go on with your spouse. Whether you stay in, or go out, whether it’s in February or any other month of the year, print the list, take it with you and you’ll have plenty to talk about.

I Choose Love ~ Strengthening Your Marriage (she: Veronica)

I Choose Love ~ Strengthening Your Marriage (she: Veronica)

  I’ve had quite a few conversations lately about the topic for my blog post this month…”I Choose Love.” These conversations have all been based on different marriages and it has made me think about my own marriage. I think we can all agree that we want happiness. We all have dreams of the “perfect”…


Making Your Man Number One ~ Book Review (she: Teresa)

So much to learn, so little time to learn it, right? That’s what I’m here for my friends. I love to read. Anything I can get my hands on, I will probably read it. I’ve previously mentioned my deep love of learning. These last few years my learning has been focused on relationships and psychology….

Fun Date Ideas to Amp Up Your Marriage (& Meet #6)

Fun Date Ideas to Amp Up Your Marriage (& Meet #6)

I was thinking the other day…I do that occasionally…that the hubs and I are getting a little lame when it comes to dating.  Now, we still GO on dates pretty regularly, but our creative juices and energy have been sucked out of us.  Sucked bone dry.  Trying to come up with something beyond dinner and…


"Happy Birthday, Dear Family!" ~ Wedding Anniversary Fun

Hey gals!  I’m sharing a fun way to include the kiddos on your family’s birthday (your wedding anniversary), over at Make and Takes!  Come find me there, and be sure to say hello. 🙂 Oh, and if your new around these parts…follow along!  I would love to have you. 🙂  You will usually find me…