Brian was not your normal everyday person. I could tell that from the moment I became best friends with his younger brother David, in the first grade, that Brian was different. He was overly excitable, was not possessed of social graces, and was awkward and overbearing in his conversations. His inabilities masked from plain view the precious person and soul alive and well in his spirit. His spiritual DNA, as with all of us, is divine, beautiful and glorious. He has undoubtedly passed his mortal test, and in my estimation, with high marks.
7 Ways to NOT Be a Halloween Humbug & Prize-Winning Chili (he: Dan)
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! That’s right, Halloween is by far (there’s not even a close second) my favorite holiday. I love costume parties! I really enjoy taking my kids out trick-or-treating. I am a huge fan of candy; Reese’s peanut butter cups and Reese’s Pieces are my all-time faves. I like the colors, the smells, pumpkin everything, and the crisp clean feel to the autumn air. However, I realize a sad truth that not everyone fancies Halloween as much as I do.
Protecting My Family From Pornography (he: Dan)
Recently there has been a lot of focus on addiction, and the miracle of addiction recovery. I would imagine that there are few, if any, left in this world who have not been affected by addiction in one form or another. I would like to lend my voice in support of those battling addiction and perhaps even more so to the people in their lives who bear the unbelievably difficult burden of loving and assisting someone in their life struggling with such. I would like to focus specifically on pornography for this post. Pornography, as you will read shortly, has recently found its way into our home.
24 Truths Learned at Parents’ University (he: Dan)
It’s back to school time. Kids are groaning about leaving summer break behind and parents are often wondering when, if ever, they will get a summer break of their own (retirement’s a scant 32 years away). Being a parent to a 12 year old has given me cause to have my own back to school […]
Ashamed No More ~ A Lesson Learned in 6th Grade (he: Dan)
Though unaware then, I now view our family moving the year between 5th and 6th grade as being inspired. Not just for the family, but for me specifically. I really needed to get away from the environment I was creating for myself. I have no doubt that my bad momentum would have carried over into my 6th grade year had we stayed.
Raising Gentlemen: Encouraging My Sons to Treat Girls Respectfully (he: Dan)
It is my hope that I am raising gentlemen who are charming and polite. It is an even greater hope of mine that they will learn to treat women with the utmost respect, and even though it seems to be increasingly out of fashion, I hope they will employ chivalry into their treatment of women.
Sons, my promise to you is that if you take my advice, you will maximize your chance for love and satisfaction in this life.
Parenting a Strong Willed Child – Learning to Love Tate (he: Dan)
Tate’s existence is a beautiful and unique thread woven into the tapestry of my life. At times I can’t see that, nor do I appreciate it because I am standing too close to the art. When I take a few steps back, I realize just how brilliant and precious his addition is. I am thankful for a merciful and loving God who at times gives me glimpses of his limitless love. I am thankful for His patience with me as I parent the souls of His precious children. I love my little Tater-Tot! I am so glad that he is a part of my life. It is my hope that someday he will say the same about me.
Stop sloppin’ the hogs: Teaching Table Manners to Children (Dan)
He spilled. Something that happens only… every…single…meal. Don’t cry over spilled milk they say. The parent version should be more along the lines of “Don’t go off on a parental tirade over spilled milk.” (I am still working on that one.) It wasn’t the fact that my eldest spilled milk, or food or whatever it was. It was how he so casually morphed into what looked like one of those sucker fish you see in the fish tanks and hoovered up what he had splashed on the table cloth. Almost equally as disappointing was his surprise by my objection to his doing so. Seriously?? Where did I go wrong?
Avoiding Thin Ice ~ A Life Lesson (he: Dan)
I still skirt too close to the red snow in my life at times but as I have grown older, I have better been able to recognize the times when I am setting myself up for a fall. I am thankful for a Savior who has given me a course to keep me safe but also assists me in pulling out of peril when I have broken through the thin-ice.
Make Your Wife’s Summer Sizzle – 7 Sure-Fire Ways to Get the Job Done! (he: Dan)
Guys (by way of your gals)! It’s time to ramp up the heat! Summer is here and it’s going to be hot. Why not crank up the heat with your lady? How hot it gets is 1 part weather and 2 parts action. I’m a man. I like action. If my wife’s summer is a-sizzlin’ then I am probably running around on fire as well!
In order to increase the odds I have devised *cough* (asked my wife) what are 7 things I can do raise the temperature on our marriage thermostat. She gave me a few ideas, some I came up with on my very own.
More Than an Apology ~ A Lesson in Seeking Forgiveness (he: Dan)
I wasn’t a punk-kid growing up, but I was a teenager once, so you might just as easily say I was a punk-kid growing up. Around the age of 12 I got tall. Really, really tall for 12. Like nearly 6 feet tall. I also thought I was pretty clever and funny. In addition to my new-found height and humor I also fancied myself pretty smart for my age. 12 seemed to be the age when I imagined it would be a good time to push my boundaries. Flex some of my new-found (thanks puberty!)muscle around the house. Show my old man who was the new cock-of-the-walk.