For basic skills like letter recognition, try this fun cookie game Sierra is sharing today. Get the free printable and bake up your own ideas with your little ones at home!

Hello all, it’s Sierra joining you again! “Back to school” season is upon us! I have a preschooler this year, who I’ve decided to home school and I’ve been preparing some lesson plans and fun learning games for him to play. Today I’m sharing a cute cookie game you can play with your own preschooler! There are so many ways you can play the game and it’s a great way for your child to learn their letters and numbers in the process!

For basic skills like letter recognition, try this fun cookie game Sierra is sharing today. Get the free printable and bake up your own ideas with your little ones at home! Find it all at

First, download and print the alphabet and number cookies HERE. You can also laminate them like I did so they last longer.

For basic skills like letter recognition, try this fun cookie game Sierra is sharing today. Get the free printable and bake up your own ideas with your little ones at home! Find it all at

You will also need:

*A cookie sheet (I picked mine up at the dollar store)

*Plastic or small paper plates

*A washable marker

*Paper lunch sacks

*A small spatula

Cookie game version 1: Take your washable marker and write a letter or number on the plate. We just used a small plastic one so we could wipe it clean and use it over again but you can you use paper plates as well. Tell your child to find the letter/number and lift it off of the cookie sheet with their spatula and onto the plate.

Cookie game version 2: Set up several paper lunch sacks or “cookie bags” with letters or numbers written on them. Next, have your child find the correct corresponding cookie/cookies and put in them into the bags.

You and your child can also come up with your own ways to play! There are endless possibilities with this super sweet cookie printable!

For basic skills like letter recognition, try this fun cookie game Sierra is sharing today. Get the free printable and bake up your own ideas with your little ones at home! Find it all at

I hope you enjoy using this for letter/number recognition, or even basic addition/subtraction. Good luck with back to school at your house!

Stop by and see me in my Etsy shop The Winking Apple sometime!

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