Normally, I do “Posts from the Past” on Saturdays, but I thought it would be fun to share some of our latest Facebook chatter.
I recently asked everyone “what are some common courtesies that too many people seem to ignore?” It was fun to hear everyone’s responses and share some of my own. Maybe some of them drive you crazy too, or maybe they don’t bother you at all!
Check ’em out:
– Move into the turning lane, when turning left
– If an invitation says to R.S.V.P., then R.S.V.P.
– If someone is watching your little kids or you are at their house with your kids, clean up their mess before you leave! A great way to never be asked back or to lose all your mommy-sitting friends, is to leave the disaster for them to clean up.
– Hold the door open for people, especially if they are pushing a stroller.
– Say THANK YOU and send “thank you” cards. If someone spends any amount of their time doing something for you, say “thank you.”
– Use your blinker while driving. Acknowledge (thank) people when they let you in.
– Don’t let your dog poop in people’s yards. Icky.
– Kids calling to ask if they can come play at YOUR house. How about their house? It’s an especially big deal when they’re little kids and you, the parent, has to “babysit.”
– Coming to someones house unannounced. Bad. Sometimes we need to look like crap and have a messy home without the threat of company.
– Entering and exiting rows at the movie theater, sporting events, church, etc. Face the people you are scooting past, so your smell bum isn’t in their face. (One gal added, “maybe their bum is preferable to their face!” Ouch…)
– Don’t assume people know who you are when you call them on the phone. (ooh…adding this right now…I really don’t like when people call and say, “I just missed a call from this number,” and I can’t explain it. But, they want me to help them figure it out. Sorry, dude. Don’t have time.)
– Adding another…this should be a new universal law, only send forward emails to people AS OFTEN as they send them to you.
– Don’t be a loud neighbor.
– If someone is making dinner for you, offer to bring something and/or bring a little hostess gift.
– If you pee on the seat in a public restroom, wipe it off. AND, why are you peeing on the seat, anyway? You are a woman.
How about you? Agree? Disagree? What courtesies do You wish more people would extend??