Not that you NEED an invitation, but I’m personally inviting you to watch the LDS General Conference this weekend. It is AWESOME, my friends. Really. I look forward to it every year and without fail, I come away wanting to be a better person and feeling a great sense of peace (which I SO need in my life.)
If you don’t know what General Conference is, I wrote all about it last year, in this post: What Is General Conference?
The image doesn’t say so, but there are actually two sessions on Sunday, one at 10am and another at 2pm, MST. It’s really easy to find on tv, the radio, or watch online… and, worth it. I promise. In fact, I dare you to watch it and not come away inspired. How’s that?!?
While we’re on the subject of Mormons, and you’re interested enough to check out this post… be sure to see the upcoming movie in theaters October 10th, Meet the Mormons. I’ll do a post about it really soon. But, let me show you this RIGHT NOW… this new song from David Archuleta (featured in the movie) is soooo beautiful.
Oh, and while I’m in a sharing mood, I would love you to check out a few of my most special posts: Why Are Your Favorite Bloggers Mormon?, I Can Do Hard Things, How to Never Miss a Day of Scripture Reading
Love ya, ladies! Have a great weekend and see you back here Monday, with gobs of great ideas.