Join My Norwex Team!

I’m guessing you’re here because you saw the post on The Best Cleaning Cloths EVER, if not be sure to check it out first.  It’s a seriously GREAT product and I have no problem selling something that I love. It would be so AWESOME to have you on MY Norwex team! Whoo-hoo!! But first, let’s…

How To Clean Your House When You Have ADD or Are Easily Distracted! (she: Katie B.)

I’m Katie, mother of 4, wife of a busy Family Practice Resident Doc, Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy owner, and I run my own Photography and Event Design Business. My website is I pretty much live in utter chaos 🙂 I spend a large portion of my time at home editing images, doing online marketing,…

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Butterfly Button Art ~ Pottery Barn Knock-Off (she: Steph)

My name is Stephanie, but you can call me Steph. ’cause we’re tight like that, I can already tell! I am married to the most wonderful man in the world…and sorry ladies, I sleep with one eye open so don’t even think about it. And I have two beautiful children that light up my life!…