30 Unique At-Home Bridal Shower Ideas

30 Unique At-Home Bridal Shower Ideas

It’s summertime and that means weddings GALORE! If you’ve been asked to, or even offered to, throw a bridal shower before you know that coming up with ideas to make it fun and enjoyable can be a little challenging. You want the bride and the guests to have a good time! I’m sure we’ve all been to those showers where the whole time, in the back of your head, you’re thinking, How soon can I leave without seeming rude…? I’m hoping these bridal shower ideas will take your guests from When can I leave? to, Dang! This girl can really throw a bridal shower! Is she for hire?! 😉

group games

Over 20 Family Friendly Group Games

Anyone up for some fun group games?? I’m always on the look-out for some easy (and awesome) games to play at parties with friends and family. Several of my favorites have been shared right here on ‘Or so she says…’! Other faves have been shared on some of my favorite blogs. So, with New Year’s Eve on the horizon, and party planning under-way, I thought I would share with you over 20 super awesome group games… all family-friendly! They’re just what you need to liven up your holiday celebration or any party, get-together, or family reunion.

Top-rated board games for families!
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Top-Rated Board Games for Bored Families (she: Mariah)

With the weather getting colder we find ourselves venturing less and less into the outdoors and more and more toward the comfort of our fireplaces. Obviously board games can be whipped out no matter the weather, but in these cold winter months they can provide a family some much needed indoor entertainment and fun! So, I went on a search to find some really highly recommended board games for you to add to your collections this winter. I tried to find some that are less well-known because I know you’ve all got Monopoly and Clue already stashed away.

family team
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Family Team – Family Night Lesson (she: Adelle)

Family Night is a family activity that can be held once a week. Set aside one night when your family can all be together. Teach your children important values and how to be better family members, people, citizens, friends, and neighbors. The dedicated time together is the most important thing.

outdoor familiy games
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The BEST Outdoor Family Games ~ Great For Reunions, BBQs, or Parties! (she: Mariah)

One of the greatest parts of summertime are all the outdoor get-togethers! Don’t you think?? Reunions, BBQs, pool parties, camping trips, church activities, etc. are all what make summers memorable. I actually have a BBQ AND a family reunion coming up this very weekend in fact! 🙂

While planning the menu and sending out invitations are one matter, planning activities is a whole other ball game. What activities can you provide that people won’t think are totally lame and will actually participate in? What games would be fun for the kids and the adults? Well look no further! I’ve found some great outdoor family games all available through Amazon to make your next summer get-together your best yet!

family games
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Entertaining Kids Without Electronics: 8 Family Games They Will Love (she: Jamie)

It’s easy to overdose kids with TV, video games, and catapulting Angry Birds around (everything my kids are currently doing right now 🙂 – but I encourage you to try to disconnect from electronics a few times this Summer and teach your kids they can actually survive without them. Entertaining kids without electronics doesn’t have to be a lot of work!

Many families pass down photos, memories, & names – well our family passes down GAMES! I decided to share our absolute favorite ones with you! Each time we play these I can’t help but think of going to Grandma’s and having some good ol’ family fun!

Fun Easter Egg Spelling Scramble for #Easter morning. www.orsoshesays.com #games
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Easter Egg Word Scramble – A Spelling Game for Kids! (she: Brooke)

Happy spring Or So She Says readers! It’s Brooke again and I’m happy to be visiting you today from Blissful Roots. Don’t you love this beautiful, refreshing time of year? It’s one of my favorite seasons. Come to think of it, I say that at the beginning of every season, and then by the end of some seasons I’m complaining a bit. But never with spring! Spring could last forever in my book!
Today I have a fun, easy educational holiday game for you to do- an Easter egg word scramble.
When I taught first grade, we did a lot of great activities for our literacy centers. This was always a hit with my students during the weeks leading up to Easter. When I taught, we didn’t use Easter words, we used our spelling and/or high frequency words, but since Easter is just around the corner I think Easter words are perfect for this activity!

Mr. Freeze Dinner Game www.oneshetwoshe.com
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Mr. Freeze ~ Fun Group Game for Parties!

It’s almost New Year’s Eve and if you’re not thinking about hitting the hay, you may be thinking about some possible games to play at your party! I love easy group games that don’t require much prep. This game of Mr. Freeze is so simple and fun to play during dinner, whether with your family or a big group of friends.

Come check it out and stick around OSSS because I’ve got a whole slew of group games for you really soon!

The Name Game ~ A Fun Group Game! (& Our Bear Lake Vacation)
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The Name Game ~ A Fun Group Game! (& Our Bear Lake Vacation)

So, we spent this past weekend with Dan’s family in Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho. Have you been there?? It’s soooo beautiful. A huge, amazingly turquoise lake, right in the middle of the desert. Every year, we rent a cabin up there and spend the time boating, swimming, eating raspberry shakes (they’re famous!), wrestling (tons of cousins!), and relaxing. After we got all the kids to bed, the adults stayed up late playing games …AND, I thought I would tell you about it. It’s called The Name Game and so much fun!

But, first …a handful of pictures from our trip…

Builders & Bulldozers ~ A Fun Outdoors Game for the Family! (she: Brooke)
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Builders & Bulldozers ~ A Fun Outdoors Game for the Family! (she: Brooke)

My twins have been on spring break this past week, and the weather has been so nice! We’ve been outside a lot these past few days. I love when the weather turns warmer, and you can spend time outside in your backyard playing games (like Builders & Bulldozers), a great outdoors game for the family!…

Popcorn Olympics ~ fun party or family activities! www.oneshetwoshe.com
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The Popcorn Olympics ~ Fun Activity for Kids! (she: Veronica)

There are many things I love about being a mom. So many, I don’t think I could name them. But, there are many things that are challenging as well. Lately I have been on Pinterest and have started feeling overwhelmed at all the GREAT ideas I’ve seen. There are so many ideas that I would…