Primary Talks for Children: February Come Follow Me Topics

Primary Talks for Children: February Come Follow Me Topics

These Primary talks are written based on the Come Follow Me Topics for the month of February. However, they can be used at any time! The talks are easy to read and understand. You can download and print a PDF version of the talk using the links below. Or, you can read the talk directly…

Knowing the background of the Christmas symbols makes them even more meaningful and special. This family night lesson will help you discover the symbolism behind a collection of popular Christmas symbols. It will bring new meaning to the season as you realize your are surrounded by beautiful reminders of God's love, peace, family, and hope. Get the whole lesson on

The Symbols of Christmas Game (& Family Home Evening Lesson)

Knowing the background of the Christmas symbols makes them even more meaningful and special. This family night lesson will help you discover the symbolism behind a collection of popular Christmas symbols. It will bring new meaning to the season as you realize your are surrounded by beautiful reminders of God’s love, peace, family, and hope.

Mother's Day Necklace and Printable on

Mother’s Day Necklace and Printable

Can you believe Mother’s Day is just around the corner? My kids just love making homemade crafts for Mother’s Day. Its always fun to see what they come up with! I’m the type of mom who will proudly wear a noodle necklace and cash in those homemade coupons, and this year I thought it would be fun to make a Mother’s Day necklace with my kids using painted wood beads. I loved how they turned out and they are so simple to make! Moms, grandmas, Aunts or sisters are sure to adore this fun accessory as a gift.

Printable Primary Talks ~ Come Follow Me Topics for March 2023

Printable Primary Talks ~ Come Follow Me Topics for March 2023

Printable Primary Talks for Children based on the Come Follow Me lessons for the month of March. These Primary Talks are easy to read and understand. You can print the talk using the PDF link, or simply read the content from your electronic device. Primary Leaders are welcome download all four Primary Talks for March….

valentines day tradition

Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt at Home (Kids LOVE This!!)

So, I’ve shared our little Valentine’s tradition with you a while back, here on OSSS and also on Make and Takes. It’s just something simple that I came up with because I was still pooped from Christmas and didn’t feel like the kids needed any more toys. I decided that every Valentine’s Day we would do BOOKS. Yay, for books! But, not just books… a Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt! Even though I told you about it before, I decided it’s okay to bring it up again because THIS TIME I have printable for you… cause guess what?? I just figured out how to make them the other day. Now there’s no stopping me.

I Can Do Hard Things Poster ~ Free Printable!

I Can Do Hard Things Poster ~ Free Printable!

Hi! This is Sharon from Lemon Squeezy. The free download I made this month makes a great birthday or Christmas gift for any child in your life. My daughter and I were talking recently about difficult things in life and how they still can be done, even though they are hard. She then told me that her teacher last year had a sign over their board that said “I can do hard things” as a reminder to the students that they can, in fact, complete things and overcome obstacles they face. It was really inspiring to me, especially since my daughter remembered it from last year so it must have affected her. Check out what I made as a result of our talk: