lds ward activities

26 Outreach Ideas & Activities for Latter-day Saint Ward Missionaries

If you haven’t noticed, I really, REALLY love missionary work. One of these days, I intend to write a post on some of the things I’ve learned from sharing the gospel online, but I haven’t quite found the time I will need for that post, yet. In the meantime, I’ve enjoyed doing smaller gospel related…

Joseph smith polygamy

Understanding Polygamy and the Mormon Church ~ The BEST Resources!

I think it’s pretty safe to assume you’re here for one of the following 3 reasons: You’re curious about “Mormons” and want to know what this funny business is about polygamy. Or, you are decidedly “anti-Mormon” and devote your time to shaking the faith of others (sorry, not accepting comments here.) Or, you’re currently a…

calling ideas Latter Day Saint

Over 26 Unique Calling Ideas for Latter-day Saint Wards

This post is for the bishoprics and ward councils, that have found themselves in the situation where they have more members needing callings, than callings available. Truth be told, my ward is in that exact situation, and it’s really not a bad thing. It’s a blessing to have so many members available and willing to…

Why Do I Have to Confess My Serious Sins to the Bishop? ~ Latter-day Saint Answers

Why Do I Have to Confess My Serious Sins to the Bishop? ~ Latter-day Saint Answers

It’s a good question. If God is the one that forgives us of our sins, why do we need to confess to our bishop to repent for our more serious sins? Why is it any of his business? Why should we share our potentially embarrassing and sensitive struggles to a middle-man, who has flaws of…

general conference teenagers

General Conference Activity for Teenagers ~ They LOVE This!!!

As a mother of 7, ranging from 6 years old to 21, I feel like I’ve tried it all, when it comes to trying to keep the kids engaged in General Conference. We have done BINGO, coloring pages of apostle’s ties, grabbing a treat when you hear a certain word, the General Conference Store… you…

24 LDS Talks on Faith to Read BEFORE Leaving the Church

24 LDS Talks on Faith to Read BEFORE Leaving the Church

Was Joseph Smith really a prophet? Is the Book of Mormon true? Well, here’s the deal… those questions and many others, regarding The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, can neither be 100% proven or 100% disproven. Like President Benson wisely said, “Every [person] eventually is backed up to the wall of faith, and…

10 Reasons I Love the Latter-day Saint’s Lifestyle

10 Reasons I Love the Latter-day Saint’s Lifestyle

When life gets tricky, I can’t help but analyze where I can turn for peace.  And, right now… life is tricky for me.  So, I’ve been thinking a lot about comfort, assurance, motivation, and optimism.  What do I have in my life that gives me those feelings?  I have my children and my husband, both…