Happy Sunday to you! So pretty soon, you’re going to be seeing all of us crazy Mormon bloggers blabbing our little hearts out about General Conference. It’s coming up in a couple weeks and it’s something that we can’t help but to be excited about.
What in the world IS General Conference??
Let me refer you to this post I previously shared: What Is General Conference?
Alright, now that you know what it is, this is WHEN IT IS…
Saturday and Sunday, April 4–5, at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time
To get information on WHERE to view it, click here.
Back to my point… I look forward to conference every year, seriously. It makes me happy and I was thinking I would like to share a few of my most favorite conference talks with you on Sundays, for the next few weeks, so you can get a glimpse into what listening to conference is like (enlightening, uplifting, and inspirational!)
So, for today’s Sunday Sunshine, I wanted to share a talk that I love, called The Tender Mercies of The Lord by David A. Bednar… (When you’re done listening, be sure to print off, pin, and share the free printable quote that goes along with the talk!)
I love this talk because there are so many times where life just feels a little too hard and you wonder if God really knows you’re there or even cares about you. When we are faithful, obedient, and humble, we will start to recognize special moments and blessings that are just for us, from our Heavenly Father, who loves us so much. We often refer to those moments as ‘tender mercies’ and it’s important to know that God WANTS to let us feel His love. He’s anxious for us to feel His love. There’s nothing like living life, knowing that your Father in Heaven loves you, knows you, is aware of you, and is there for you.
I hope you like this talk too! Enjoy. 🙂
Looking for more inspiration, check out these past posts: How to Never Miss a Day of Scripture Reading, Why Are Your Favorite Bloggers Mormon?, and Sunday Sunshine Week 6.
* Comments are always turned off on inspirational posts, so as not to detract from the spirit of the message. If you love the post, please share it. *