Well, it’s been another super fun and family idea FILLED year here at ‘Or so she says…’! I hope you found some amazing ideas and enjoyed the big She Picks! gift idea series this Christmas. I had so many messages from people saying how many gift ideas they found in the series and on the She Picks! Facebook group. I love hearing that… yay!! By the way, the Facebook group runs all year long and is filled with all of the coolest products and favorite things. So, if you’re not a part of it yet, just hop on over to request joining!
Most of all, I just want to take a minute to thank you all for being so supportive of the blog. I always think back to the time that I first had the idea to start it, years ago, and had NO idea what I was getting myself into. It’s much more work than I ever imagined!! But… I cannot believe how much I’ve learned, how much I’ve enjoyed making new blogger and reader friends, and how special it has been for me to promote family and being your best self. I love it all so much… even when it just feels like a little too much. And, that does happen. Being a mother of 6 (almost 7) and homeschooling can get a little OVERWHELMING. But, everything is worth it and I have an amazing team who cares about my message as much as I do. AND, I know I get a lot of help from above. 🙂 So, thank you, my friends. Thanks for reading my blog. Thanks for sharing the content. Thanks for telling your friends. Thanks for your sweet messages to me. I know there are lots of places you could be spending your time, and to think that you even take a couple minutes to stop by and see what’s going here means a lot. So, THANK YOU!
So, of all the post on the blog this year, what was the number one, most viewed, and most shared post??
This one!
30 Copycat Recipes That Will Blow Your Mind
Before I get to the rest of my top 10, I wanted to share the #1 posts from 6 of my favorite bloggers.
Like I said before, I’ve loved all the friends I’ve made… check these out!
#1 Post – How to Make a Giant PegBoard ~ Ginger Snap Crafts
#1 Post – Salted Caramel Butter Bars ~ Is This Really My Life
#1 Post – Roasted Chickpeas ~ Made From Pinterest
#1 Post – Vintage Lemonade Stand ~ Simply Kierste
#1 Post – 3 Tricks for the Best Fried Rice ~ My Kitchen Escapades
#1 Post – Tips to Quickly Paint a Room ~ Simply Designing
Great stuff, right?!?
Okay, now back to the rest of my top post of 2015…
#2 ~ 24 Last Minute Dinner Ideas
#3 ~ 25 Best Kept Disneyland Secrets
#4 ~ Camping With Kids
#6 ~ Disney Would You Rather Travel Game
#7 ~ 25 Favorite Book Club Picks from Book Club Members
#8 ~ 26 Camping Hacks You Won’t Believe You’ve Been Living Without
#9 ~ 30 Books to Read Out Loud to Older Kids
#10 ~ Grandma’s English Toffee
Be sure to check out the rest of the top posts from each of my blog buddies.
They each have 9 more MOST POPULAR posts that you have to see!
Kara says
That’s so cool my Grandma’s toffee made the list! I think I ate my weight in that stuff this Christmas?