Day in and day out, my husband is making people’s homes look spectacular with finish carpentry work.  So, it’s always a treat when he will actually build something for OUR house…who wants to work on their time off?  Not him.  But, every now and then I get lucky, and he does too.
Last weekend I convinced him to build me this built-in entertainment center so we can get all of the blasted Wii and Xbox controllers off the floor…
It just got painted, tonight!  Whoo!  I’m not down with controllers for decor, so I’ll be getting some cute baskets and plants this week to girly-up those shelves.
Last year, he built me a table for Valentine’s Day.  It was soooo perfect because it was custom sized to fit in my nook area.
Anyway, because I like to brag about him and show off his work, here’s some more finish carpentry ideas for you…
01-20-2009+029 01-20-2009+032 01-20-2009+034 01-20-2009+037 02-05-2008+005 02-05-2008+008 02-23-2008+015 12-30-2007+031 12-30-2007+048 12-30-2007+053 12-30-2007+065 daniels+013 liberty+house+004 wangsgard+construction+012
If you live in Northern Utah and you’re interested in having Dan do the finish carpentry work in your house, just email him at [email protected].
