Kindness Begins With Me

Kindness Begins With Me

Happy Sunday, my friends! I’ve been meaning to do better with my inspirational posts for Sunday. So, here’s my attempt. Hopefully, I can be a little more consistent. Today’s thought is all about kindness. We could all incorporate a little more kindness in our lives, right? Come be inspired, share the love, and get your free printable!

How to Never Miss a Day of Scripture Reading
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How to Never Miss a Day Reading Scriptures

Today’s post is all about something that up until last January, was super hard for me… consistent scripture reading. Whether you read The Bible or The Bible AND The Book of Mormon, or whatever else enriches your life, this can work for you.

Okay, so as a member of the Mormon church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), we are asked to actively STUDY the scriptures. And despite the fact that when I do, I learn a ton, I evaluate myself for short-comings, I find answers to prayers, and I feel inspired to be a better person… it’s still hard to make it a habit to read the scriptures every day. It’s been hard my whole life. I get too busy, too tired, too lazy, whatever. But, now I got it down, sista. I haven’t missed a day since January 1st and it’s all because of a simple little trick. The best thing ever.

Starting Today ~ April 2014 Inspiration

Starting Today ~ April 2014 Inspiration

I’m sure you’ve heard it said that the hardest part is ‘getting started.’ Isn’t that so true?!? Whether you’re going on a diet, wanting to exercise more, tackle a big project, or draw closer to God… the hardest part is getting started. It really does get easier from there. Something that I’ve learned in life is that it doesn’t matter if you fail, what matters is that you keep trying. We are expected to fail, we are imperfect. It doesn’t make you any less than anyone else. It makes you human. But, by actively trying, we prove that we are anxious for a better life, we exhibit gratitude, we become worthy of His assistance, and we attain blessings. Starting over, trying harder… it’s worth it.

‘Because of Him’ & Photo Challenge ~ April 2014 Inspiration

‘Because of Him’ & Photo Challenge ~ April 2014 Inspiration

Hope you’re having a wonderful Sunday, my friends. With Easter upon us and swarms of bunny crafts, Easter egg ideas, and savory ham recipes surrounding us, I think it’s always nice to take some time and come back to what Easter is all about: Jesus Christ. I know it’s definitely something I need to do. When I stop and remember Him, what He did for me and why He did it for me, it put the rest of my life in perspective… My troubles seem manageable, I feel humbled, a greater desire to serve others, and comforted, knowing that there is a plan for me and that I, individually, am loved by God. I want those feelings every day. I NEED those feelings every day!

March 2014 VT Printable
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March 2014 Visiting Teaching Message Printable

Happy March! Here’s the Visiting Teaching printable for the month. 🙂

For those of you wondering what the heck Visiting Teaching is: In my church, all the women and men are assigned specific people in the church to visit monthly. For women, it’s called Visiting Teaching. We usually have a partner and are assigned maybe 2 to 4 women that we try to visit every month. The point of the visit is to get to know each other, support each other, care for each other, and share a spiritual thought.

What Is Love? Inspirational Series

What Is Love? ~ An Inspirational Series on Love, Part 4

My heart is FULL. It is such a blessing to be able to share these stories with so many. I am so thankful.

I must say, I’m a little sad about this being the last week of the ‘What is Love?’ series. Sad, sad, sad. I get anxiety all week long, wondering if I’ll be able to find the perfect love stories that I want to share with you. It can’t be just any story about love. It has to inspire me.

What is Love? ~ An Inspirational Series on Love, Part 3

What is Love? ~ An Inspirational Series on Love, Part 3

For the month of February, every Sunday, I wanted to do a little ‘What is Love’ series; a collection of random stories and videos that exhibit love and inspire us to bring more love into our lives. Yes, we can BRING more love into our lives. We don’t need anyone else to do it for us. Love is there, waiting to be had.

I hope these favorite stories and videos that I found, will help convey the beauty of love, inspire you, and bring a little more light into your life. Enjoy!

three easy parenting tips
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Three Easy Parenting Tips for 2014 (she: Heather)

If we want to have strong relationships with our children, we HAVE to spend time with them. Not just every once in a while, but research shows that we need to find at least 15 minutes a day to spend with each child on an individual basis. This is uninterupted time where we put our phones and computers and the laundry away and just focus on them. Get down on their level, look into their eyes and really listen to what they say. If you are wondering what you are going to do, sit down together and make a list of all the things that you could do. From baking cookies, to going for a drive, playing a game or just chatting about the day. Then when it is time to be together, you wont waste it trying to figure something out. Pick something on your list and have a good time. Your kids will feel supported, listened to, understood, and you will even see improvements in their behavior. You will find that a little time makes a big difference.

What Is Love? ~ An Inspirational Series on Love, Part 2

What Is Love? ~ An Inspirational Series on Love, Part 2

What is Love? Part 2. For the month of February, every Sunday, I wanted to do a little ‘What is Love’ series; a collection of random stories and videos that exhibit love.

I hope these favorite stories and videos that I found, will help convey the beauty of love, inspire you, and bring a little more light into your life.

What Is Love? Inspirational Series

What is Love? ~ An Inspirational Series on Love

I wanted to do something a little EXTRA special for Valentine’s Day and this whole month. Something about love and what love really is.

What is love? Love is a feeling of deep devotion, concern, and affection. It’s expressed and felt in many different ways. I hope these favorite stories and videos that I found, will help convey the beauty of love, inspire you, and bring a little more light into your life. Every Sunday this month, you’ll find 3 new inspirational stories about love. Enjoy!

January 2014 Visiting Teaching Message Printable
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January 2014 Visiting Teaching Message Printable

In my church, all the women and men are assigned specific people in the church to visit monthly. For women, it’s called Visiting Teaching. We usually have a partner and are assigned maybe 2 to 4 women that we try to visit every month. The point of the visit is to get to know each other, support each other, care for each other, and share a spiritual thought. I did my Visiting Teaching pretty regularly last year, until it got towards the end of the year, and I was slacking. Eeeek. So, one of my resolutions this year is to meet with my ‘sisters’ every month, like I’m supposed to, and really be a better Visiting Teacher.

10 Favorite Apps to Help You Reach Your Goals #newyearsresolutions #apps #goals
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Best Productivity Apps to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year?? Anyone else still proudly kicking butt at their New Year’s resolutions? I hope so, it’s still January! So, recently I started thinking about all my favorite apps that I use to help me stay on top of things. Then, I asked the gals on Facebook about their favorites. I checked them out and now have some new favorites. Here’s a list of my top 10 productivity apps for helping you keep your goals (or New Year’s resolutions.)