Fun Printable for Setting New Year's Resolutions
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Setting Goals for the New Year! ~ Family Night Ideas (she: Tonii)

Hey again, it’s Tonii from Blue Skies Ahead. I am so thrilled to be back at Or so She Says…sharing another fun family night idea! I don’t know about you…but I LOVE the start of a new year. A clean slate, a chance to do anything you want and start fresh! I was really excited to do a simple activity with my kids to help them learn about goals and have fun making a visual that we could focus on ALL year long to remember what we want to accomplish in 2014.

First up I made this printable to hang in our home. I love this quote and have found it to be so true in my personal life. There is so much power in simply believing in ourselves!

Free Book of Mormon from 'Or so she says...' Blog, plus bonus blogger packet!

I Love the Book of Mormon (& it’s my gift to you.)

I remember the first post I did, telling everyone that I’m a Mormon and inviting people to learn more about why I believe what I believe. It was scary! I don’t know why. My readers are the nicest, ever. But, it’s still a little unnerving to put yourself out there and open yourself up for mean comments/emails, and a potential loss of readers and advertisers. But, I knew it was worth it to me. It is because of what I know that I feel so much happiness, hope, and peace, and it feels kinda selfish to not at least offer it to others. So, with much anxiety, I clicked ‘publish,’ and I wasn’t turning back. I was waiting for the rude emails to come in, but they never did. Not once.

serving others

Serving Others ~ December 2013 Inspiration

Happy Sunday. I wanted to share a lovely video with you. A story of people giving up their time to serve others. And, not just ANY time… they gave up their Christmas. Serving others really is one of the greatest things ever. Not only does it help someone else, but it help you. It’s like magic. It helps you be happier, to love more, love deeper, and it is a perfect gift for Christ.

Everyone is Special ~ November 2013 Inspiration

Everyone is Special ~ November 2013 Inspiration

Happy Sunday!!

I just finished reading a wonderful book to my kids. Have you heard of the book, Wonder by R.J. Palacio? I really had no idea what to expect from it, just that it must be good, with thousands of five-star reviews. Turns out, we loved it too! It’s the story of a young boy, with a serious facial deformity. He has avoided public schools, up until the 5th grade, when he hesitantly decides he’s ready to give it a shot. As expected, there are some rough moments for him, and some moments that are downright horrible. But, the book is filled with tender moments and great examples of love.

Our Beautiful Earth

Our Beautiful Earth

One of my favorite things about Utah is being able to experience all four seasons. Every August, I’m completely burned out on summer craziness and just want to chill. Welcome, Fall. It makes me want to stay home, cook yummy food, and just relax. Then I start getting a little overly anxious for Christmas and using the fireplace. Utah is usually pretty happy to dump a pile of beautiful fluffy snow on the ground. For me, Christmas needs snow. But soon enough, the snow starts to turn to slush and everything looks dead, dirty, and depressing… UNTIL the leaves start popping up on the trees, our creek runs higher with the snow run-off, and the birds return to build their nests. I love it! Everything feels fresh and happy in the spring. With the new life all around us, the kids and I start itching to wrap up the school year and play, play, play! And, we do. All. Summer. Long. …and, then I’m tired, longing for structure, and some cooler weather. Repeat, every year. It’s fun. Every season excites me.

June Inspiration ~ The Worth of a Woman (& free printable!)

June Inspiration ~ The Worth of a Woman (& free printable!)

I was chatting with Dan about how I needed to come up with my inspirational post, and did he have any lovely thoughts recently that I could possibly write about. No lovely thoughts. As we were checking out of the hotel, we were pulling our luggage down the hall, past a conference room. Inside the room, I saw something that made my heart sing. It was a banquet for Ms. Wheelchair Utah and other girls and women confined to wheelchairs. In the front of the room, there was a gal, in a wheelchair, speaking to all the girls, sharing her story and empowering them. It was awesome!

The Humble Chair ~ Building Kid’s Self-Esteem (she: Veronica)

The Humble Chair ~ Building Kid’s Self-Esteem (she: Veronica)

Recently, we’ve had some kids struggle with a few different things. They haven’t been major things, but to THEM, they have felt HUGE. I’ve watched as these struggles have worn away at their self worth. I started looking at each of my children and realized that there are many things that tend to whittle away at their feelings of worth and value. So, I decided it was time to do “The Humble Chair”.

WHAT is the “Humble Chair”?

It’s a simple activity that allows you to focus on building someone up.

May Inspiration ~ Using Clean Language (Free Printable!)

May Inspiration ~ Using Clean Language (Free Printable!)

We use my iPad a lot for homeschool. Every morning, we watch the CNN Student News (so awesome) and often times we watch YouTube videos related to whatever we’re learning about (Queen Elizabeth, the Inquisition, whales, etc.) One of our favorite things to watch on YouTube as part of our scripture/value study are the Mormon Messages for Youth. The church puts together such inspirational, thought-provoking, and conversation-starting videos. There might be a few that would be a little confusing if you weren’t Mormon, but most of them could be applicable and inspirational to any one, of any faith. ANYWAY. What I’m trying to get at is there was this particular video that really impressed me about using clean language. It kicked off a great conversation with my kids, and later that night I had to show it to the man, so we could talk about it together.

At first sight, I thought my kids might think it was pretty corny. But, it’s actually way interesting…

February Inspiration ~ No Regrets (& Free Printable!)
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February Inspiration ~ No Regrets (& Free Printable!)

The first Sunday of every month, some blogger friends and I have decided to offer something a little more thought-provoking…a little more inspirational.  Last month, I shared the subway art printable about becoming who you want to be.  This month, I was thinking I would share a little bit with you about a fabulous lesson…

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15 Inexpensive Ways to Help You Get Healthy & Fit (she: Beth)

Many people are making resolutions and changes at the beginning of each year, and it feels like just about everyone includes becoming fit and healthy somewhere on the list. Transforming your body is a difficult thing to do, but there are many easy and inexpensive ways to do it. You don’t have to break the…