Our ‘Bullied at Elementary School’ Story (& How We Handled It)

Our ‘Bullied at Elementary School’ Story (& How We Handled It)

It seems that every woman has something that tugs on their heart strings, and can instantly bring them to tears. For me, it’s sad children. I just want to hug and love them all! I can’t stand knowing that there are many, many children who go through their life being treated so unkindly, whether at…

25 Indoor Activities for Older Girls

25 Indoor Activities for Older Girls

I had a special request for this post, Indoor Activities for Older Girls, and I loved the idea! It’s so true that a lot of what is found on blogs these days are for younger kids… AND, I just happen to be the mom of 2 girls that would love some ‘older’ activities. Any of these activity ideas would be great for them to do alone, with the help of their mom, grandma, or to do with friends.

Gratitude Family Home Evening – Lesson & Activities!
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Gratitude Family Home Evening – Lesson & Activities!

There are many ways to think and thank. This idea was originally introduced by the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in an address given in 1998. In this talk, Thomas Monson mentions three different instances where saying, “thank you” could bring about happiness and good. He counseled that we should say thank you to our parents, to a teacher or coach, and to a friend.

Foods You Can Put In Your Freeze Dryer ~ The Ultimate List & Tips

Foods You Can Put In Your Freeze Dryer ~ The Ultimate List & Tips

If you would have asked me about freeze drying last year, I could have told you absolutely nothing. But, things are DEFINITELY different now. My freeze dryer has been running non-stop for months and months. I’ve dried everything from meats and veggies to ice cream sandwiches and cheesecake. I’ve learned a lot, along the way,…

10 Ways to Protect Family Life ~ Be Safer By the End of the Year!

10 Ways to Protect Family Life ~ Be Safer By the End of the Year!

Hi! It’s Jamie from Prepared-Housewives, and I’m here to discuss preparing a family safety plan, with 10 ways you can make your family safer by the end of the year!

I have yet to meet parents that aren’t concerned about the safety of their children. Protecting children from whatever may be lurking around the corner just comes with being a Mom or Dad. Watching the news can leave you terrified of ever letting your children go outside, but since we can’t bubble wrap and hover over them forever, we have to find other ways to protect them.

Simple Bucket List Ideas for Summer ~ Printable Fridge Magnets!

Simple Bucket List Ideas for Summer ~ Printable Fridge Magnets!

I’m new and very excited to be posting on OSSS for the first time today! My name is Colette, I’m the blogger and designer behind My Computer is My Canvas… I love to design quotes, planners, subway art and I spend lots of time creating printables for my family. So, with my kids getting out of school this past week, I definitely needed a fun, new Boredom Buster/Summer Bucket List and this is what I came up with!

DIY Alcohol Stove for Emergency Kit ~ Great Camping Hack!

DIY Alcohol Stove for Emergency Kit ~ Great Camping Hack!

You’re guaranteed to be super cool, if you know this slick trick. Did you know you can make a lightweight alcohol stove in minutes with just two aluminum cans and a few household tools? This DIY Alcohol Stove for Emergency Kit Tutorial, an awesome camping hack, will tell you everything you need to know. This…

Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline

Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline

I hope you’ll enjoy this Family Home Evening idea: Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline. You can print the entire lesson off using the link to the pdf file, at the bottom of this post, excluding the pictures. Did you know that before we were born, God granted us all a very special…


5 Neighborhood Activities During Social Distancing

Check out our 5 favorite neighborhood activities during social distancing! These group activities will help your family to feel close to your neighbors and friends as you all keep a safe and healthy distance apart. Neighborhood Activities During Social Distancing With practically the whole world on lockdown, it is important to find ways to create…