God's hands are always reaching out for us. He loves us. He cares for us. This family night lesson will literally help illustrate that point! Get all the details on the blog: www.orsoshesays.com
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Trust in God’s Hands Activity for Kids

This Family Night lesson takes the basic concept of the festive paper plate game to the next level. Not only are we going to create some artistic fun, we are going to build testimonies while we are at it! Your family will get to experience the difference between creating a life solo and creating a life with the help of God’s hands.

Knowing the background of the Christmas symbols makes them even more meaningful and special. This family night lesson will help you discover the symbolism behind a collection of popular Christmas symbols. It will bring new meaning to the season as you realize your are surrounded by beautiful reminders of God's love, peace, family, and hope. Get the whole lesson on www.orsoshesays.com.

The Symbols of Christmas Game (& Family Home Evening Lesson)

Knowing the background of the Christmas symbols makes them even more meaningful and special. This family night lesson will help you discover the symbolism behind a collection of popular Christmas symbols. It will bring new meaning to the season as you realize your are surrounded by beautiful reminders of God’s love, peace, family, and hope.

feeling peace family lesson

Feeling More At Peace In This Troubled World ~ Family Lesson

I had so many fun ideas bouncing around in my head about what to post for an exciting Christmas Family Home Evening. But, every time I started to write about something festive and fun, I felt prompted instead to talk about finding peace. One of the most beautiful messages of the Savior’s birth is that he came to this world to be the Prince of Peace.

Gratitude Family Home Evening – Lesson & Activities!
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Gratitude Family Home Evening – Lesson & Activities!

There are many ways to think and thank. This idea was originally introduced by the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in an address given in 1998. In this talk, Thomas Monson mentions three different instances where saying, “thank you” could bring about happiness and good. He counseled that we should say thank you to our parents, to a teacher or coach, and to a friend.

Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline

Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline

I hope you’ll enjoy this Family Home Evening idea: Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline. You can print the entire lesson off using the link to the pdf file, at the bottom of this post, excluding the pictures. Did you know that before we were born, God granted us all a very special…