Hello Everyone, I’m Chelsea from One Hot Crafty-Mama. My husband is in medical school and the Army. I am lucky enough to be able to stay at home with my daughter, and baby #2 is coming in the next month. I started the blog to share projects that I do when my husband is studying late at night. I love to read, play with my daughter, play the piano and flute as well as being crafty. Feel free to stop by my blog and see what other projects I have going on. Meanwhile enjoy this one!!

Wipeable Preschool Worksheets mean you only invest once in something your little learner can use over and over again. Get the details on www.orsoshesays.com

My daughter loves doing workbooks and worksheets. When she first started she said that she was doing her homework, because Daddy was in the other room doing homework for school.  I did some researching and found this website,  First-School Preschool Activities and Crafts.  It has all kinds of stuff, but they also had different worksheets with the alphabet, so I printed two different sheets for each letter and put them in a three ring binder in sheet protectors. You can use dry erase markers on sheet protectors and wipe them right off when you are done, its perfect! My daughter LOVES it and I made another one with a couple of preschool workbooks I bought so then I can use them over and over.  She pulls them out all of the time.
If you’re looking for more helpful Preschool posts, check these out on the blog:
P.S.  You can often find great deals on educational workbooks and games for kids on Zulily!  I’ve found several products that I use for homeschooling and just for fun! ~ Mariel
P.P.S. You can check out my Homeschooling and Educational Ideas Pinterest board for even more inspiration!