Nutty Craisin Chew ~ An AMAZING snack and great gift for neighbors!!
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Nutty Craisin Chew – Perfect for the Holidays! (she: Karen)

Hi everyone! I’m Mariel’s Mom, Karen. Back in the summer, I shared a fun tropical dessert, Tropical Passion Bowls. This time I thought I would share this Nutty Craisin Chew recipe with you. These things are very popular right now and packaged in a pretty box, they could make a great Christmas gift for neighbors….

Christmas Gifts for the Whole Family (Or Someone Else’s Family…)!

Christmas Gifts for the Whole Family (Or Someone Else’s Family…)!

You know how you walk in the stores and they are already playing Christmas music?? Do you groan or do you love it? I think I do a little of both…a cringe-smile. A cringe because I don’t like to overlook Thanksgiving and I REALLY don’t like feeling hounded by retailers. But, I smile because I…

Gift Ideas: 8 Year Old Boy

Gift Ideas: 8 Year Old Boy

Caden’s First Day of 2nd Grade Isn’t it funny how nicknames come about? We named our first, Caden…with the expectation of calling him “Cade”. Guess what we call him?? “Tato“. I know, right? That doesn’t even resemble the name Caden! Here’s the breakdown: Caden turned to Cado (through no choice of my own), which turned…

Gift Ideas: One Year Old Girl OR Boy

Gift Ideas: One Year Old Girl OR Boy

Apparently, things really “heat up” in my household/bedroom round about December…because I’ve got three of my little tots with birthdays all within weeks of each other, right now (August). So, come December…you know where I’ll be and what I’m doing. The tweets and Facebook updates will slow down…and you’ll know, you’ll know. Or, do you…

My Husband’s Favorite Things ~ Father’s Day Gift Ideas!
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My Husband’s Favorite Things ~ Father’s Day Gift Ideas!

I thought you could use some ideas for Father’s Day from an actual man and father…not me! Here’s my honey (and me)…I’m hiding behind him because I was 6 months pregnant and feeling a little chubby. But, that’s not the point. The point is him…these are HIS ideas to help you out with Father’s Day…