Silk Screen Glass Jar Gift & Poem ~ Perfect Neighbor Gift!

Silk Screen Glass Jar Gift & Poem ~ Perfect Neighbor Gift!

Happy Monday, friends! It’s the 10th of the month and you know what that means, right?!? It’s our 10th blog hop! The theme for this month was SNOWFLAKES. I admit, it was a tricky one for me. I put it off as long as possible, called everyone I knew for ideas, and ended up deciding that the best thing to do is just take a trip to Michael’s and wander the aisles for inspiration. It worked. Okay, let me stop here for a minute and tell you… awesome deal…

This would be so fun to do with the kids! Plus, it makes a great gift... making beeswax candles.
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Making Beeswax Candles With Kids & Printable Christmas Tag!

For homeschool, we learned all about bees. Have you ever learned about bees?? Holy smokes, those things are AMAZING. In a future post, I’ll share with you some of my favorite products for teaching kids about bees. But in the meantime, I wanted to share this project with you… making BEESWAX CANDLES WITH KIDS.

These beeswax candles make great gifts (free printable gift tag included!), home decor, and fun memories of making them with the family.

25 Ways to Use the Norwex Travel Cloth
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25 Awesome Ways to Use the Norwex Travel Cloth

So, now that we’ve established that the Norwex EnviroCloth is freakin amazing (see The Best Cleaning Cloths in the World)… what’s cool is that Norwex makes the EnviroCloth in mini size, a.k.a. the Travel Cloth.  I was just recently involved in a fun group thread where everyone was sharing their most favorite ways to use…

spaghetti sauce recipe
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Killer Spaghetti Sauce Recipe (Make a Lot, Freeze the Rest) (she: Jamie)

This spaghetti sauce recipe kills the competition!

I know that’s a bold statement since I’m sure your Grandma has a great recipe too, but this is beyond delicious and has been known to turn people into spaghetti addicts! It’s one of the reasons I added this spaghetti sauce to my Food Storage Plan first, because if I had live on it for a year that wouldn’t bother me one bit!

The best part is this recipe makes a ton – so you can freeze the extra, can it for storage, give some to neighbors, or eat spaghetti sauce for a straight week (or a year, depending on how much you make)!

Chocolate Mousse Cupcakes in a Jar (she: Jana)
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Chocolate Mousse Cupcakes in a Jar (she: Jana)

My daughter Kyla (almost 12) and I have a Mother/daughter recipe blog: Our slogan is “Cooking with 2 is fun to do”! It has been a great way to teach my daughter some needed cooking/baking skills that she will most definitely need in the future! It’s also been a really great way to spend…

Plate Pedestal Craft & Cranberry Orange Shortbread Cookies
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Plate Pedestal Craft & Cranberry Orange Shortbread Cookies

I keep seeing these darling “pedestals” all over the place. I thought to myself, “Self, I can make that!” So that’s what I did today. I went to Pier One and bought some super cute plates (on sale, no less) found candlestick holders on clearance at Michael’s and some “Goop” glue. That’s all you need…

Nutty Craisin Chew ~ An AMAZING snack and great gift for neighbors!!
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Nutty Craisin Chew – Perfect for the Holidays! (she: Karen)

Hi everyone! I’m Mariel’s Mom, Karen. Back in the summer, I shared a fun tropical dessert, Tropical Passion Bowls. This time I thought I would share this Nutty Craisin Chew recipe with you. These things are very popular right now and packaged in a pretty box, they could make a great Christmas gift for neighbors….