God's hands are always reaching out for us. He loves us. He cares for us. This family night lesson will literally help illustrate that point! Get all the details on the blog: www.orsoshesays.com
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Trust in God’s Hands Activity for Kids

This Family Night lesson takes the basic concept of the festive paper plate game to the next level. Not only are we going to create some artistic fun, we are going to build testimonies while we are at it! Your family will get to experience the difference between creating a life solo and creating a life with the help of God’s hands.

group games

Over 20 Family Friendly Group Games

Anyone up for some fun group games?? I’m always on the look-out for some easy (and awesome) games to play at parties with friends and family. Several of my favorites have been shared right here on ‘Or so she says…’! Other faves have been shared on some of my favorite blogs. So, with New Year’s Eve on the horizon, and party planning under-way, I thought I would share with you over 20 super awesome group games… all family-friendly! They’re just what you need to liven up your holiday celebration or any party, get-together, or family reunion.

Who doesn't love Harry Potter?! Adelle is sharing a Harry Potter Would You Rather game, as well as two other Harry Potter printables for all your wizarding needs. www.orsoshesays.com #harrypotterwouldyourather #harrypotterprintables #harrypotter #hogwarts #games #ldsblogger #lds #mormonblogger #mormon

Harry Potter Would You Rather ~ Printable PDF Game

Today we want to help you experience magic like never before with the help of Harry Potter inspired fun with 3 free Harry Potter Printables! Ever since The Wizarding World of Harry Potter opened at Universal Studios Hollywood here on the west coast, we’ve all been a little obsessed with the boy wizard. Today’s printables include a vacation countdown (with the cutest Dumbledore you’ve ever seen!) and more! Come check them out!

Free (Super Fun!) Printable Inside Out Game for Families

Free (Super Fun!) Printable Inside Out Game for Families

Hello again everyone! It’s Adelle from Get Away Today with a free printable Inside Out game for families! Have you had a chance to experience the new Inside Out ride in Disney California Adventure Park? At Get Away Today, we absolutely love the finished Pixar Pier area of Disney California Adventure! All four “neighborhoods” are complete…

Word Game: Find the Best Word EVER ~ Fun for Groups!

Word Game: Find the Best Word EVER ~ Fun for Groups!

This may seem like a weird question, but do you have a favorite word? I’m not talking about a name or place, I literally mean a word. It could fun to say or spell. The meaning is not the important part! Razzmatazz is one of my favorites. Indubitably. Mojito. Thrum. All words that tickle my tongue and give me a little thrill. I love a good word game. Years ago I came across this great countdown on Ted McCagg’s blog: he made brackets for each letter and finally winnowed the word list down to the best word ever. Since the colder months are coming, I thought I’d turn this idea into a full blown family word game! It would be perfect to set up around the house during a long Thanksgiving weekend with family. Also great for a youth group or Family Home Evening.

With a goal in mind, we are able to travel to the places where we want to go and achieve things that were never before possible. Think about where you want to be and who you want to be! Set goals that will take you there. Get a family night lesson all about GOALS on the blog: www.orsoshesays.com

Why Goals help us Grow- Family Night Lesson (she: Adelle)

In the story of Alice and Wonderland, Alice comes to a fork in the road. She asks the Cheshire Cat, “Which way shall I go?” The cat asks her in return, “Where are you going?” Lost and wandering, Alice simply said, “I don’t know!” Listen to this wise council from Cheshire Cat, “If you don’t know where you are going, then it doesn’t matter which path you choose.”

Don’t wander through life like Alice. With a goal in mind, we are able to travel to the places where we want to go and achieve things that were never before possible. Think about where you want to be and who you want to be! Set goals that will take you there.