An Inspirational Story About Life and Struggles – Stronger Than the Storm

An Inspirational Story About Life and Struggles – Stronger Than the Storm

Back in December, Dan and I took all of the kids on a cruise. It had been planned nearly a year in advance, so we were SO excited when it was finally getting close to the time to leave. Well… we were all excited, except for my 11 year old son, Shane. Somehow Shane got it in his head that we were going to die, either on the cruise or the airplane. He didn’t know which, but he was 100% convinced that it was true. And, it was completely ruining him. It weighed on his mind constantly and there was no reasoning that could console him. He believed with all of his heart that I was taking him to his death. He couldn’t be around televisions or radios that had the news on, he lost his appetite and wasn’t eating, and he was certain that Christmas was never going to happen for us.

God's hands are always reaching out for us. He loves us. He cares for us. This family night lesson will literally help illustrate that point! Get all the details on the blog:
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Trust in God’s Hands Activity for Kids

This Family Night lesson takes the basic concept of the festive paper plate game to the next level. Not only are we going to create some artistic fun, we are going to build testimonies while we are at it! Your family will get to experience the difference between creating a life solo and creating a life with the help of God’s hands.

5 Scriptures That Changed Me #LIGHTtheWORLD

5 Scriptures That Changed Me ~ #LIGHTtheWORLD

I’m so happy and blessed to be taking part in the beautiful Christmas campaign, Light the World. Not only is it an opportunity for me to reflect on my feelings about Christ and all He has done, and DOES for me, but it’s a chance for me to write about one of my most favorite topics… the scriptures. Jesus read the scriptures. He loved them. And, as I have incorporated the scriptures in my life, I have come to love them too. They teach me. They answer my prayers. They bring me closer to God. They change me.

Knowing the background of the Christmas symbols makes them even more meaningful and special. This family night lesson will help you discover the symbolism behind a collection of popular Christmas symbols. It will bring new meaning to the season as you realize your are surrounded by beautiful reminders of God's love, peace, family, and hope. Get the whole lesson on

The Symbols of Christmas Game (& Family Home Evening Lesson)

Knowing the background of the Christmas symbols makes them even more meaningful and special. This family night lesson will help you discover the symbolism behind a collection of popular Christmas symbols. It will bring new meaning to the season as you realize your are surrounded by beautiful reminders of God’s love, peace, family, and hope.

I Can Do Hard Things Poster ~ Free Printable!

I Can Do Hard Things Poster ~ Free Printable!

Hi! This is Sharon from Lemon Squeezy. The free download I made this month makes a great birthday or Christmas gift for any child in your life. My daughter and I were talking recently about difficult things in life and how they still can be done, even though they are hard. She then told me that her teacher last year had a sign over their board that said “I can do hard things” as a reminder to the students that they can, in fact, complete things and overcome obstacles they face. It was really inspiring to me, especially since my daughter remembered it from last year so it must have affected her. Check out what I made as a result of our talk:

24 of the BEST General Conference Talks of All Time

24 of the BEST General Conference Talks of All Time

LDS General Conference is coming up again on April 2nd and 3rd, and I can’t wait! I love General Conference because it’s a time we get to hear from our prophet and church leaders and enjoy a spiritual feast! No matter what I’m struggling with at the time, I always seem to find comfort and answers by listening to the General Conference messages. The conference is broadcast on television and radio and everyone is invited to watch or listen. Even if you aren’t a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, there is so much shared through the music and talks at General Conference that can enlighten and uplift you as a person. For

A Stocking for Jesus & Printable Poem ~ Awesome Christmas Tradition!

A Stocking for Jesus & Printable Poem ~ Awesome Christmas Tradition!

So, it’s really important to me that I don’t let the hustle and bustle of Christmas keep my family from remembering what this favorite holiday is truly about.  It can be hard, sometimes!  We have some special Christmas family traditions that we do, but I was looking for something more focused on The Savior… and, then…

10 Reasons I Love the Latter-day Saint’s Lifestyle

10 Reasons I Love the Latter-day Saint’s Lifestyle

When life gets tricky, I can’t help but analyze where I can turn for peace.  And, right now… life is tricky for me.  So, I’ve been thinking a lot about comfort, assurance, motivation, and optimism.  What do I have in my life that gives me those feelings?  I have my children and my husband, both…

Collection of Religious Quotes About Faith and Hope ~ Shareable Images Too!

Collection of Religious Quotes About Faith and Hope ~ Shareable Images Too!

Before we get to this collection of religious quotes about faith and hope, I loved something I read… “The Savior perceived the strength or weakness in the faith of those around Him. To one, He said approvingly, “Great is thy faith.”1 He lamented to another, “O ye of little faith.”2 He questioned others, “Where is your faith?”3 And…