An Inspirational Story About Life and Struggles – Stronger Than the Storm
Back in December, Dan and I took all of the kids on a cruise. It had been planned nearly a year in advance, so we were SO excited when it was finally getting close to the time to leave. Well… we were all excited, except for my 11 year old son, Shane. Somehow Shane got it in his head that we were going to die, either on the cruise or the airplane. He didn’t know which, but he was 100% convinced that it was true. And, it was completely ruining him. It weighed on his mind constantly and there was no reasoning that could console him. He believed with all of his heart that I was taking him to his death. He couldn’t be around televisions or radios that had the news on, he lost his appetite and wasn’t eating, and he was certain that Christmas was never going to happen for us.