Fun Ways To Teach You AND Your Kids About The Wonders Of Wildlife!

Fun Ways To Teach You AND Your Kids About The Wonders Of Wildlife!

Although I’m not big on having any pets in my home…it doesn’t mean that I’m not ultra-fascinated by wildlife! Maybe this is super nerdy, but the beard man and I love to curl up and watch a sweet wildlife documentary. It’s so amazing how much more depth there is to these creatures and how we…

All Things Photography ~ Online Lessons & Cool Stuff!

So, my Lover-Boy/Beard-Man/Sugar-Daddy came through and got me a camera for my birthday! I’ve been needing this for so long! Thank you, Dan! Seriously, the camera I have been using was being held together by duct tape. Nice, huh? Duct tape, gotta love it. Did you know duct tape is sometimes recommended by doctors for…

Online Games For Kids!

If your kids are anything like mine, they love a fun online game! And much to my surprise…half of them are educational! I’m all about killing two birds with one stone; get the house clean AND get the kids doing something educational. Here are some of the favorites around our house… Crayola Creativity Central –…

~ Non-Frizzy Curls for Naturally Curly Hair ~

Reader, Anna emailed and asked for advice on taming frizzy curls. I jumped on that because guess what…I have curly hair! Curly, curly hair. And, I’m pretty sure I’ve got the “non-frizzy” and “non-crunchy” curls down pat….after years of ultra-frizz. (It’s not very often that we post pictures of ourselves, but I felt like I…