valentines day tradition

Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt at Home (Kids LOVE This!!)

So, I’ve shared our little Valentine’s tradition with you a while back, here on OSSS and also on Make and Takes. It’s just something simple that I came up with because I was still pooped from Christmas and didn’t feel like the kids needed any more toys. I decided that every Valentine’s Day we would do BOOKS. Yay, for books! But, not just books… a Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt! Even though I told you about it before, I decided it’s okay to bring it up again because THIS TIME I have printable for you… cause guess what?? I just figured out how to make them the other day. Now there’s no stopping me.

Gratitude Family Home Evening – Lesson & Activities!
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Gratitude Family Home Evening – Lesson & Activities!

There are many ways to think and thank. This idea was originally introduced by the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in an address given in 1998. In this talk, Thomas Monson mentions three different instances where saying, “thank you” could bring about happiness and good. He counseled that we should say thank you to our parents, to a teacher or coach, and to a friend.

Mother’s Day Bookmark Printable ~ Ready to Color!

Mother’s Day Bookmark Printable ~ Ready to Color!

This Mother’s Day bookmark printable has four different choices of bookmarks to download, print, and color. They’re simple, cheap, and a perfect little gift for kids to give to their mothers! Mother’s Day Bookmark Printable In my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have “callings.” A calling is an opportunity to…

How To Host A Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt While Social Distancing

How To Host A Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt While Social Distancing

Use this free Easter egg printable to host a neighborhood Easter egg hunt during social distancing. Make Easter fun and festive with this easy and safe community activity. Social distancing has become a way of life over the course a few short weeks! The relatively new term is on everybody’s mind. It has been incredible…

Printable Baby Yoda Mandalorian Valentine Card ~ Totally Free!

Printable Baby Yoda Mandalorian Valentine Card ~ Totally Free!

Are you looking for the perfect Valentine for the Star Wars fan in your life?  Look no further! This printable Baby Yoda Mandalorian valentine card with a frog treat is about as cute as they come, and totally free! Baby Yoda has to be the very best thing that has come from the new Star…

A Stocking for Jesus & Printable Poem ~ Awesome Christmas Tradition!

A Stocking for Jesus & Printable Poem ~ Awesome Christmas Tradition!

So, it’s really important to me that I don’t let the hustle and bustle of Christmas keep my family from remembering what this favorite holiday is truly about.  It can be hard, sometimes!  We have some special Christmas family traditions that we do, but I was looking for something more focused on The Savior… and, then…

33 Popular Christmas Movies for Families

33 Popular Christmas Movies for Families

Back when I lived at home, we’d watch the classics every year as a family: Miracle on 34th Street, White Christmas, A Christmas Carol, It’s a Wonderful Life, etc. So if you’ve been looking for some great family Christmas movies to watch this year, look no further! Here is a list of some awesome movies that will definitely get YOUR family pumped for Christmas and they are all available on Amazon.