Last week, my son was flipping through my Lion House cookbook, looking for a dessert for Sunday dinner. Sunday dinner is kind of our big sit down, delicious meal. That’s right, my friends… I don’t cook every day. Some nights I make Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, some nights I make turkey sandwiches, tacos, or frozen chicken nuggets. Some nights, I don’t do anything and we just fend for ourselves. But Sunday, we feast. So all week, my kids and I are excited, planning what our big meal is going to be. Anyway, this past Sunday my son found a recipe for a Chocolate Cream Layered Cake that he wanted me to make. So, we had chicken enchiladas, apple salad, and chocolate cake for dessert.
While looking over the recipe, I quickly noticed the directions for Stabilized Whipped Cream. What the? I had never heard of such a thing. Have you??