clean family movies

100 Clean Family Movies ~ Perfect for Family Movie Night!

One of our favorite things to do Sunday evening is have ‘Family Movie Night’ and watch a clean family movie.  It’s a fun little tradition, that comes complete with popcorn and those cheap, chewy, box-mix brownies.  Yum!  In the past, we’ve watched plenty of total duds.  Movies that literally stunk, or movies we THOUGHT we…

best gifts

How to Think of Gift Ideas Your Recipient Will LOVE

Need help knowing how to think of gift ideas your recipient will love?? I got you. I know, I know…Christmas is over.  But, that doesn’t mean gift-giving ends, right? There’s birthdays, Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, baptisms, and all sorts of special events… all begging for a gift to be involved. How to Think of Gift Ideas…

A Stocking for Jesus & Printable Poem ~ Awesome Christmas Tradition!

A Stocking for Jesus & Printable Poem ~ Awesome Christmas Tradition!

So, it’s really important to me that I don’t let the hustle and bustle of Christmas keep my family from remembering what this favorite holiday is truly about.  It can be hard, sometimes!  We have some special Christmas family traditions that we do, but I was looking for something more focused on The Savior… and, then…

33 Popular Christmas Movies for Families

33 Popular Christmas Movies for Families

Back when I lived at home, we’d watch the classics every year as a family: Miracle on 34th Street, White Christmas, A Christmas Carol, It’s a Wonderful Life, etc. So if you’ve been looking for some great family Christmas movies to watch this year, look no further! Here is a list of some awesome movies that will definitely get YOUR family pumped for Christmas and they are all available on Amazon.

Gifts for Families ~ She Picks! 2017 Gift Guide #shepicks

Gifts for Families ~ She Picks! 2017 Gift Guide

Welcome to week 3 of our most popular series of the year… She Picks! This Christmas gift guide has been in the works for months. Lots of research goes into each of these picks and we really think each one of them would make a fabulous gift idea. Plus, there are lots of bundle ideas too, if you’re the type to include a little something with the main gift. We’ve got you covered, my friends. Enjoy another week of She Picks!


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Gifts for Families ~ She Picks! 2016 Gift Guide


It’s here!!! Our SHE PICKS! Gift Idea Series is the biggest event of the year, here on ‘Or so she says…’. We scour the internet, looking for the latest and greatest products. Our professional product-pickers have found some AWESOME gifts that we know will be perfect for you and those you’re shopping for. Happy Holidays!

Need some Gifts for Families ideas?? This series is AWESOME!!! There are so many great ideas in here that people ACTUALLY want. All based on great reviews. :)

Gifts for Families ~ She Picks! 2015 Gift Guide

Well, we made it through week #2 of She Picks! 2015!! The BIGGEST and MOST POPULAR ‘Or so she says…’ event of the year!!! Every week day for 1 more week, you’ll find Mariel’s top picks for gifts, that she’s been working on all year. You’re sure to find some fab gifts for everyone on your list! Be sure to check out the picks from this past week too!

Today’s Picks: Gifts for Grandparents

Top 5 Family Vacations to Give as a Gift (she: Kim)
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Top 5 Family Vacations to Give as a Gift (she: Kim)

Surprise! It’s Kimberly from Packed with Fun, the official blog for Get Away Today and I’m back on “Or She Says” for my “real” final post of the year. When Mariel asked if I wanted to share my top 5 family vacations to give as a gift, I was so excited to post about it. Vacations are the best and it can be difficult to narrow down a destination that everyone will love.

I put together my list of top 5 family vacations to give as a gift based on places that families can all enjoy together and where our agents have been finding the very best deals.

Gifts for Families ~ She Picks! 2014

Gifts for Families ~ She Picks! 2014

It’s here!! The BIGGEST and MOST POPULAR ‘Or so she says…’ event of the year, She Picks! 2014!!! Every week day, well into mid December, you’ll find Mariel’s top picks for gifts, that she’s been working on ALL year. You’re sure to find some fab gifts for everyone on your list!

TODAY’S PICKS: Gifts for Families

25 Days of Christ ~ A New Family Tradition
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25 Days of Christ ~ A New Family Tradition

THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS: MICHELLE PETERSON AND BECKY PETERS! I love family traditions, and I love things that draw me closer to Christ during the holidays. So I was so excited to learn about a wonderful family-run business that provides both with their beautiful 25 Days of Christ Ornament Kit!…