Exactly How to Get a Free Book of Mormon Without Missionaries

Exactly How to Get a Free Book of Mormon Without Missionaries

Let’s get right to it. Yes, I will totally send you a free Book of Mormon without missionaries and this offer NEVER EXPIRES. There’s absolutely no strings attached. Nobody is going to come knocking at your door. You will not be on the ‘Mormon’ radar. You’re totally safe, my friend. I have sent out thousands…

lds ward activities

26 Outreach Ideas & Activities for Latter-day Saint Ward Missionaries

If you haven’t noticed, I really, REALLY love missionary work. One of these days, I intend to write a post on some of the things I’ve learned from sharing the gospel online, but I haven’t quite found the time I will need for that post, yet. In the meantime, I’ve enjoyed doing smaller gospel related…

Joseph smith polygamy

Understanding Polygamy and the Mormon Church ~ The BEST Resources!

I think it’s pretty safe to assume you’re here for one of the following 3 reasons: You’re curious about “Mormons” and want to know what this funny business is about polygamy. Or, you are decidedly “anti-Mormon” and devote your time to shaking the faith of others (sorry, not accepting comments here.) Or, you’re currently a…

What Is a Mormon General Conference??

What Is a Mormon General Conference??

The other night, I probably spent a couple hours pinning ideas for involving my kids in General Conference to a designated General Conference Pinterest board. While pinning away, it occurred to me that a big portion of my Pinterest followers probably don’t know what the heck General Conference is, and here their pin stream is being flooded with the ideas I’m saving.

So, what is General Conference? So, let me tell you… in case you’re wondering, in case you’re interested, or in case you’re bored and need something to read…

Latter-Day Saint’s Primary Goal Setting Worksheet

Latter-Day Saint’s Primary Goal Setting Worksheet

This simple printable Latter-Day Saint’s Primary Goal Setting Worksheet is available for download. Use it to track goals set for the new Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Children and Youth Initiative. Growth is an important part of life. Children stretch and grow physically from the moment they are conceived. Physical growth happens naturally!…