teenage birthday party
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16 Birthday Party Ideas for Teenage Girls

Teenage birthday parties are tough because princess and pirate themes are no longer an option and you’re limited to what’s “cool,” which is an ever-changing and somewhat risky thing for parents to shoot for… That being said, I went hunting and found 16 birthday party ideas for teenagers that I think (hey, I’m just shooting to be cool too) could win you the title of “Cool Parent” (at least until you have to take away their cell phone again) and make your teenager’s next birthday party the best yet!

School is in full-swing and your kids may be feeling the pressure by now. Check out the blog today for 12 tips to destress your student! Help them be successful before they're too overwhelmed to do well! Find all the info at www.orsoshesays.com.

Child Nervous About Starting School? Parenting Tips!

It’s a good time of the school year to check in with your kids. How are they adjusting to the new year of school work? How are things going with friends? How are their study habits? For us, it’s been just long enough to get familiar with the new schedule but still early enough that there is plenty of time for adjustments to prepare our kids for success at school! Reviewing these twelve habits and techniques can ensure that your student is adapting to the rigors of the school year.

God's hands are always reaching out for us. He loves us. He cares for us. This family night lesson will literally help illustrate that point! Get all the details on the blog: www.orsoshesays.com
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Trust in God’s Hands Activity for Kids

This Family Night lesson takes the basic concept of the festive paper plate game to the next level. Not only are we going to create some artistic fun, we are going to build testimonies while we are at it! Your family will get to experience the difference between creating a life solo and creating a life with the help of God’s hands.

25 Creative Ways to Answer to a Dances #prom #promposal #dances www.orsoshesays.com

25 Creative Ways to Answer to School Dances

There are lots of ideas online of ways to ask to school dances, but what about ways to ANSWER to school dances?? ‘Or so she says…’ to the rescue! My oldest son is a sophomore and just got asked to his first school dance, the Fall Ball. The girl that asked him did it in such a cute way. Now, it’s his turn to answer. It sounds like the ‘answering’ part isn’t a tradition in all states, from what I’ve gathered. But, it definitely is a tradition here in Utah. Simply saying ‘yes’ is way too boring. It needs to be clever and fun, and we’ve had lots of fun coming up with these 25 creative ways to answer to school dances.

feeling peace family lesson

Feeling More At Peace In This Troubled World ~ Family Lesson

I had so many fun ideas bouncing around in my head about what to post for an exciting Christmas Family Home Evening. But, every time I started to write about something festive and fun, I felt prompted instead to talk about finding peace. One of the most beautiful messages of the Savior’s birth is that he came to this world to be the Prince of Peace.

10 Ways to Protect Family Life ~ Be Safer By the End of the Year!

10 Ways to Protect Family Life ~ Be Safer By the End of the Year!

Hi! It’s Jamie from Prepared-Housewives, and I’m here to discuss preparing a family safety plan, with 10 ways you can make your family safer by the end of the year!

I have yet to meet parents that aren’t concerned about the safety of their children. Protecting children from whatever may be lurking around the corner just comes with being a Mom or Dad. Watching the news can leave you terrified of ever letting your children go outside, but since we can’t bubble wrap and hover over them forever, we have to find other ways to protect them.

Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline

Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline

I hope you’ll enjoy this Family Home Evening idea: Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline. You can print the entire lesson off using the link to the pdf file, at the bottom of this post, excluding the pictures. Did you know that before we were born, God granted us all a very special…

breastfeeding newborn

Does Breastfeeding Hurt? Is it Hard? Here’s What’s Real.

“Breastfeeding is beautiful.” “Breastfeeding is the best thing you can do for your baby.” “I looooooove breastfeeding.” Pregnant mothers hear rave reviews and breastfeeding promotions on a regular basis from those who mean well. And after breastfeeding my 7 children, I can definitely say they’re not wrong. But sometimes it helps to get real, to…