Faux Zinc Planter Boxes ~ for a Dollar! (she: Jeanie)

Faux Zinc Planter Boxes ~ for a Dollar! (she: Jeanie)

As I was decorating my front porch for Fall, I realized that I had no containers, pots or planters for the mums. I’m not much of a gardener, flower or plant person. I mean, I love flowers and plants, but they don’t love me back. I have the brownest thumb ever. So therefore, I don’t have all the accessories, gadgets, pots, planters, etc. But what I do have are three mums (that are still alive – for the most part) for my front porch that need a home. Now I know I’ll plant them soon, hoping they’ll come back next fall, but they won’t. I plant three every year and only ONE has ever come back {sigh}. But in the meantime, I’d like to put them into something decorative for the front porch.

Have you priced the pretty urns, pots and planters lately? Holy moly! I especially like the Zinc ones that I saw at Restoration Hardware, starting at $205. I don’t think that’s in my budget. But, I came up with something that totally does… and, it’s just a dollar!

dresser mirror
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Dresser Mirror Tutorial ~ So Simple! (she: Jeanie)

I recently painted a chest of drawers that is in my bedroom. You can read about that Ikea Hack on my blog. Anyway, I was thrilled with how it turned out but it was missing something: a mirror above it. Through a series of craft fails and happy accidents, I ended making the mirror using a cheap plastic tray that I keep in my craft closet as a template for large circles. The round mirror I bought months ago in hopes of jumping on the starburst mirror bandwagon, but I couldn’t come up with an original idea! I’ve had the glass beads forever.

The mirror was incredibly easy to make. I just put it all together with E6000 glue and Glu6 Original and let it cure overnight before propping it up in the stand.

First Day of School T-Shirt Tradition (she: Jeanie)
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First Day of School T-Shirt Tradition (she: Jeanie)

Today is a BIG day in the Create & Babble family! My first and only grandchild (“only” until February!) starts Kindergarten today! Yes, today is Jordan’s first day of school. I’ve been wracking my crafty brain to come up with an original photo idea for his big day. There a a lot of great ideas…

colorful tulle circle banner_createandbabble
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Circle Tulle Banner Tutorial (she: Jeanie)

Hi again! It’s Jeanie from Create & Babble, back today to share a tutorial on how I made this pretty banner using tulle circles. There are so many occasions where this banner could be used: baby showers, wedding showers, birthday parties or in my case: no occasion at all! Besides this banner being incredibly easy to make, it costs next to nothing to make!

All you need to make this banner are tulle circles in the color(s) of your choice, sewing machine or needle and thread. I had some tulle circles on hand. Why would I have tulle circles on hand?

Patriotic Picture Frame_createandbabble.com
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Patriotic Painted Picture Frame {with a printable} (she: Jeanie)

Have you seen these cute wooden frames at Michaels? I spotted them the other day as I was headed to the check-out line. What caught my eye was the price: $1. Yes, one dollar! I grabbed a couple. My crafty mind was spinning thinking of all the ways I could decorate and use these frames: paint, vinyl, stickers, mod podge, washi tape….. Now I have to go back for more!

Since today is Memorial Day, I wanted to make a patriotic frame…