We've gathered 16 super cool LDS Activity Days ideas just for you! Check out the blog: www.orsoshesays.com #LDSActivityDaysIdeas #LDSActivityDays #LDSActivities #ActivityDaysIdeas #MayActivityDaysIdeas #ActivitiesforTweens #MothersDay #LDS #LDSBlogger #Mormon #MormonBlogger
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LDS Activity Days Ideas! 16 Awesome Ideas for May

Activity Days is a program ran by the LDS church for girls ages 8-11. The activities include fun and entertaining lessons for the girls that build testimonies, strengthen families, and foster unity and personal growth. They are typically held twice a month, and all girls ages 8-11 are welcome to attend, whether or not they’re…

18 December Activity Days Ideas!
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18 December Activity Days Ideas!

Activity Days is a fun group held twice a month for girls ages 8-11 led by the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  The activities build testimonies, strengthen families, and create unity and personal growth.  And guess what?  You don’t have to be LDS to attend!  I found 18 December Activity Days ideas that are perfect for the month.  Trust me, they are so awesome you’ll wish you could hold activities every week!

Activity Days is a fun group held twice a month for girls ages 8-11 led by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The activities build testimonies, strengthen families, and create unity and personal growth. And you don't have to be LDS to attend! In this post, get 17 Activity Days ideas for the month of November. www.orsoshesays.com
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17 November Activity Days Ideas – For Girls Ages 8-11

Activity Days is a fun group held twice a month for girls ages 8-11 led by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The activities build testimonies, strengthen families, and create unity and personal growth. And you don’t have to be LDS to attend! In this post, get 17 Activity Days ideas for the month of November.

How to Make Your Own Harry Potter Wands (she: Elise)

How to Make Your Own Harry Potter Wands (she: Elise)

I’m a huge Harry Potter nerd year round, but during Fall, my passion for all things Potter is magnified. (Because, hello, wizards and witches and magic.) I’ve encouraged my kids to love all things Potter, and have sewn them Hogwarts robes, and made wizarding wands, which actually they (okay, we) play with all year long. See how we made our own wizard wands in today’s post!

This Disney Halloween Countdown Chain is so easy it is scary! Get ready for the perfect way to countdown to your not-so-spooky Disneyland vacation. If you're not heading to the parks during Halloween Time, you can still use this Halloween countdown just to count the days till Halloween in your very own neighborhood. #halloween #halloweentime #halloweencountdown #daystillhalloween #disneycountdown #disneyworldcountdown #disney #disneyland #disneyworld #ldsblogger #mormonblogger #lds #mormon #countdown www.orsoshesays.com
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Halloween Countdown – FREE Mickey Template for Disney Countdown Chain (she: Adelle)

I am excited to help you countdown to the spookiest time of year at Disneyland – Halloween Time! If you are traveling during one of the most fun times at the Happiest Place on Earth, I have the best way to make the wait fun. This Disney Halloween Countdown Chain is so easy it is scary! Get ready for the perfect way to countdown to your not-so-spooky Disneyland vacation.

DIY Belle Costume – Just in Time for the Beauty and the Beast Release! (she: Adelle)
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DIY Belle Costume – Just in Time for the Beauty and the Beast Release! (she: Adelle)

This easy and adorable Belle costume is the best accessory to your Disneyland vacation. For a limited time, you can enjoy exclusive experiences from the tale as old as time. Try the Grey Stuff at the new Red Rose Tavern, meet Gaston himself, hear a re-telling of the classic Beauty and the Beast and so much more! You do not want to miss your chance to be right in the middle of the real life magic of Beauty and the Beast.

Let the kids color this beautiful free printable thankful coloring page to display during the holiday. It's a great reminder of the reason for the season.
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Free Printable Thankful Coloring Page (she: Liz)

We have all been blessed with talents and around our house I always teach my kids that practice makes us better. I thought it would be fun to create something fun for both me and the kids this month. My kids love being creative and I have been practicing my hand lettering this year. I thought a hand lettered printable coloring page would be something fun that we could all do together.

Or So She Says- Halloween Bucket List
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Halloween Bucket List – Great Ideas for the Month of October! (she: Sierra)

It’s no secret in my family that Halloween is my very favorite holiday. In fact, if we’re being really honest…I’m completely obsessed with the entire month of October! I enjoy helping my kids plan what they are going to dress up as each year, visiting the pumpkin patch, baking yummy treats and making Halloween themed crafts. So, I thought it would be fun to share our Halloween bucket list as a printable for you today. Hopefully it gives you some ideas of things to do to keep busy this Fall.