School is in full-swing and your kids may be feeling the pressure by now. Check out the blog today for 12 tips to destress your student! Help them be successful before they're too overwhelmed to do well! Find all the info at

Child Nervous About Starting School? Parenting Tips!

It’s a good time of the school year to check in with your kids. How are they adjusting to the new year of school work? How are things going with friends? How are their study habits? For us, it’s been just long enough to get familiar with the new schedule but still early enough that there is plenty of time for adjustments to prepare our kids for success at school! Reviewing these twelve habits and techniques can ensure that your student is adapting to the rigors of the school year.

25 Creative Ways to Answer to a Dances #prom #promposal #dances

25 Creative Ways to Answer to School Dances

There are lots of ideas online of ways to ask to school dances, but what about ways to ANSWER to school dances?? ‘Or so she says…’ to the rescue! My oldest son is a sophomore and just got asked to his first school dance, the Fall Ball. The girl that asked him did it in such a cute way. Now, it’s his turn to answer. It sounds like the ‘answering’ part isn’t a tradition in all states, from what I’ve gathered. But, it definitely is a tradition here in Utah. Simply saying ‘yes’ is way too boring. It needs to be clever and fun, and we’ve had lots of fun coming up with these 25 creative ways to answer to school dances.

My Favorite Revolutionary War Books for Elementary Students
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My Favorite Revolutionary War Books for Elementary Students

Last year, in homeschool, we studied The Revolutionary War, the entire time. It was awesome and we learned a ton (yes, me too!) Since we went through lots and lots of books and movies about the Revolutionary War, we found some that we absolutely loved and some… not so much.

Come check out our favorites! Whether you homeschool, teach public school, or simply want to add some great books to your kids collection, these are for you. All tried and true!

Folded Money Graduation Gift ~ INSANELY Fast & Easy!

Folded Money Graduation Gift ~ INSANELY Fast & Easy!

It’s that time of year, where every day we’re getting a new graduation announcement in the mail. I love them! It’s so fun to watch all of these kids grow up and get ready for the next chapter in their lives. I’ve been needing something simple and easy that I can give, to congratulate them. And, if this graduation gift isn’t simple and easy, I don’t know what is…

10 Tips for Starting a Book Club in 2022 ~ From a Seasoned Member!!

10 Tips for Starting a Book Club in 2022 ~ From a Seasoned Member!!

If you’ve been reading this awesome blog for a while, then you’ve read many references made to “Dan”, Mariel’s husband. Well, I’m his slightly older (and much less hairy) sister, Rebecca, here to share my best tips for starting a book club that’s fun and successful. I live across the country from my brother, sister-in-law,…

Our ‘Bullied at Elementary School’ Story (& How We Handled It)

Our ‘Bullied at Elementary School’ Story (& How We Handled It)

It seems that every woman has something that tugs on their heart strings, and can instantly bring them to tears. For me, it’s sad children. I just want to hug and love them all! I can’t stand knowing that there are many, many children who go through their life being treated so unkindly, whether at…

Rainbow Snakes ~ A magical way to experiment with color mixing!

Color Mixing Experiment for Kindergarten ~ Rainbow Snakes

I absolutely love how curious kids are by nature. When they are little everything is so fascinating and exciting! That is why I love the activity I’m sharing with you today. It teaches color mixing in a hands-on and “magical” way that my kiddo couldn’t get enough of.

Now let me give you a little warning up front. This activity can be messy, but with the right preparation, it’s really not too bad. Besides, I think that kids should get to make a mess once in a while. It’s more fun that way, right?

10 Ways to Protect Family Life ~ Be Safer By the End of the Year!

10 Ways to Protect Family Life ~ Be Safer By the End of the Year!

Hi! It’s Jamie from Prepared-Housewives, and I’m here to discuss preparing a family safety plan, with 10 ways you can make your family safer by the end of the year!

I have yet to meet parents that aren’t concerned about the safety of their children. Protecting children from whatever may be lurking around the corner just comes with being a Mom or Dad. Watching the news can leave you terrified of ever letting your children go outside, but since we can’t bubble wrap and hover over them forever, we have to find other ways to protect them.

No matter where you live there's a good chance you have some type of library to take advantage of. Libraries are a great way to entertain the whole family for free! See why your family NEEDS a library card:
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Why Your Family NEEDS a Library Card (she: Brooke)

I have to say we enjoy our time in the library as much as we enjoy the books we check out to read at home. Next time you’re in need of a time-filler, or even a Friday night activity hit up your local library. Find a cozy corner with a stack of books and just read! Then get another stack to check out and take home with you. So many books, so little time!! Happy reading!