My Favorite Revolutionary War Books for Elementary Students
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My Favorite Revolutionary War Books for Elementary Students

Last year, in homeschool, we studied The Revolutionary War, the entire time. It was awesome and we learned a ton (yes, me too!) Since we went through lots and lots of books and movies about the Revolutionary War, we found some that we absolutely loved and some… not so much.

Come check out our favorites! Whether you homeschool, teach public school, or simply want to add some great books to your kids collection, these are for you. All tried and true!

Favorite Products for Teaching Kids About Slavery and the Civil War

Favorite Products for Teaching Slavery and the Civil War to Kids

So for last year’s homeschool, we studied slavery and the Civil War… all year long.  That’s how I love doing history.  We just take a small portion of time and spend the whole year really getting in-depth.  This year we’re doing the Industrial Revolution, Great Depression, and World War I, so you can plan on…

Children's Books Your Kids Need on Their Bookshelf

Children’s Books Your Kids NEED on Their Bookshelf (she: Mariah)

I think there’s something totally awesome about children’s books; great illustrations, funny voices, silly characters. I think the best part about them, though, is that they can hold memories. I have a few books that I read to my son that my mom used to read to me, and every time we read them it’s like I get taken back in time! I remember the voices my mom used to use at certain parts of the books, all the feelings I used to feel as she turned the pages, and what pages were my favorites that I loved to linger on.

20 Must-Read Christmas Books for Kids
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20 Must-Read Christmas Books for Kids

I love collecting Christmas books. They’re such an easy and fun way to create a special moment with the kids and build upon the holiday excitement. After Christmas is over, I pack them away with all of the decorations, so each year when I pull them out, the kids are excited to see the, all over again!

I wanted to add some books to our stack this year, so of course, I hit up my trusty Facebook gals! (You girls always have the best suggestions!)

children's book and activity
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Children’s Book and Activity… A House Is a House for Me (she: Brooke)

Hey, Or So She Says readers! It’s Brooke from Blissful Roots. How was your 4th of July weekend? Fun, and festive, I hope!
I’m sure if you’re not sick of hearing it by now, you might be soon, but I pulled this children’s book and activity from my first grade teaching files. I’ve been wanting to share it for quite some time, and finally have gotten around to it. It’s the perfect activity for a lazy (or bored) summer day, and you can actually add to it all summer long!
This is the book you’ll need. It’s called A House is a House for Me (click here to listen to it on YouTube). Have you heard of it? If not, it’s one you need to add to your collection as soon as possible. It talks about all of the different houses in our world. A hill is a house for an ant, a web is a home for a spider, the sea is a house for a whale, a husk is a home for a corn cob, etc. So many clever ideas in this book! It makes your children (and you!) realize how many things house things in our world.

favorite garden books for kids

Favorite Garden Books for Kids (she: Brooke)

Hey! It’s Brooke from Blissful Roots. Summertime means garden time for our family. My husband and I both grew up in families that planted a garden every summer (which I am very grateful for!). I guess you can say it’s in our blood. Do you garden? I don’t want to spend this entire post on a gardening soap box, but I can’t tell you the number of benefits that come from having your own garden. My boys (and myself) have learned work, patience, you reap what you sow, the miracle of a tiny seed, the beauty of nature, enjoying the fruits of your labor, living off the land, being self-sufficient, and much, much more. It’s work, but magical!

Okay, enough of my gardening soap box! What I’d really like to share today are some of our favorite garden books for kids. I can’t say I really plan out themes for my boys all summer long, but I do like to build upon what we’re already doing. I love having great books to go along with the summer activities we do. And let me tell you, gardening takes the whole summer. Not all day, every day, but once again, you reap what you sow.


Children’s Book Picks 2014 ~ Valentine’s Day Tradition

This time of year, I’m browsing book sections everywhere I go, looking for the perfect books for my kids for Valentine’s Day. I’ve told you about our scavenger hunt tradition, where the kids find their new books, a card from mom and dad, and some Valentine’s treats along the way. You can read that post, here: Our Valentine’s Day Family Tradition. Anyway, I wanted to share with you the books I currently have in my online shopping cart right now. I think I found some fun ones!

First Thanksgiving Dinner ~ Fun Family Tradition W/ Printable Invitation (she: Brooke)
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First Thanksgiving Dinner ~ Fun Family Tradition W/ Printable Invitation (she: Brooke)

What are some of your favorite Thanksgiving traditions?  Do you have many?  We have several at our house.  This tradition came from my first grade teaching days.  My cooperating teacher shared this idea with me.  Each year at Thanksgiving our first grade class would reenact the first Thanksgiving dinner.  We would weave place mats, make Pilgrim…