date ideas married

27 Date Ideas for Couples Trying to Reconnect

Okay, let’s be real, dinner and a movie is so overdone. It’s like the dating equivalent of plain toast – reliable, but kinda boring. If you’re wanting to reconnect with your spouse, you may need to be a little more creative. Try and think of things to do that get you talking, engaging, reminiscing, etc….

30 Unique At-Home Bridal Shower Ideas

30 Unique At-Home Bridal Shower Ideas

It’s summertime and that means weddings GALORE! If you’ve been asked to, or even offered to, throw a bridal shower before you know that coming up with ideas to make it fun and enjoyable can be a little challenging. You want the bride and the guests to have a good time! I’m sure we’ve all been to those showers where the whole time, in the back of your head, you’re thinking, How soon can I leave without seeming rude…? I’m hoping these bridal shower ideas will take your guests from When can I leave? to, Dang! This girl can really throw a bridal shower! Is she for hire?! 😉

Printable Primary Talks ~ Come Follow Me Topics for March 2023

Printable Primary Talks ~ Come Follow Me Topics for March 2023

Printable Primary Talks for Children based on the Come Follow Me lessons for the month of March. These Primary Talks are easy to read and understand. You can print the talk using the PDF link, or simply read the content from your electronic device. Primary Leaders are welcome download all four Primary Talks for March….

grateful for spouse

How to Be More Grateful for Your Partner ~ Thoughtful Gift Idea!

A few years ago I found myself being a bit too nit picky with my husband day in and day out. I decided to start a daily journal for him. I wanted to make it simple, and not too time consuming or overwhelming. I bought a small notebook, kept it by my bedside, and started writing one positive thing about my husband each night before I went to bed. I did make it an entire year, and I gave the journal to my husband on his birthday the following year. It was a good walk down memory lane for him, but more than that, it was a year full of positive, loving comments all for him!

Forever My Valentine ~ A Glimpse Into My Love Life (she: Brittany)

Forever My Valentine ~ A Glimpse Into My Love Life (she: Brittany)

It’s been a great and love-filled week with this Forever My Valentine series!! Each day this week, ‘Or so she says…’ featured one blog reader and got a sneak peek into their love life… their favorite things, what makes their marriage work, and so much more.  We have just one more for you and I know you’ll adore this sweet couple!

Today, meet Brittany and Tim!

Forever My Valentine ~ A Glimpse Into My Love Life (she: Sarah)

Forever My Valentine ~ A Glimpse Into My Love Life (she: Sarah)

It’s here! The long awaited LOVE series… ahhh… Forever My Valentine! Each day this week, ‘Or so she says…’ will feature one blog reader and get a sneak peek into their love life… their favorite things, what makes their marriage work, and so much more.

Today, I want you to meet Sarah and Jared!

Forever My Valentine ~ A Glimpse Into My Love Life (she: Holly)

Forever My Valentine ~ A Glimpse Into My Love Life (she: Holly)

It’s here! The long awaited LOVE series… ahhh… Forever My Valentine! Each day this week, ‘Or so she says…’ will feature one blog reader and get a sneak peek into their love life… their favorite things, what makes their marriage work, and so much more.

Today, I want you to meet Holly & Scotty!

I love this Valentine's series! A glimpse into the love life of random 'Or so she says...' readers. They share their favorite gifts to/from their spouse, dream get-aways, what makes them work, and so much more. So fun to read! Forever My Valentine

Forever My Valentine ~ A Glimpse Into My Love Life (she: Jesica)

It’s here! The long awaited LOVE series… ahhh… Forever My Valentine! Each day this week, ‘Or so she says…’ will feature one blog reader and get a sneak peek into their love life… their favorite things, what makes their marriage work, and so much more.

Today, I want you to meet Jesica and Norse!

It’s here! The long awaited LOVE series… ahhh… Forever My Valentine! Each day this week, ‘Or so she says…’ will feature one blog reader and get a sneak peek into their love life… their favorite things, what makes their marriage work, and so much more.

Forever My Valentine ~ A Glimpse Into My Love Life (she: Jessica)

It’s here! The long awaited LOVE series… ahhh… Forever My Valentine! Each day this week, ‘Or so she says…’ will feature one blog reader and get a sneak peek into their love life… their favorite things, what makes their marriage work, and so much more.

Today, I want you to meet Jessica and Dan!

charity in marriage

Why Charity in Marriage is Essential (she: Brooke)

A few months ago, I shared a 365 Reasons to Love Your Spouse Journal here at OSSS. That was my first attempt at offering a small bit of marriage insight with you. And today, I’m going to try my hand at it again. The topic this time, charity in marriage.
For me, pure Christ-like love leaves no room for anger, jealousy, faultfinding, or resentment. Now we are all human, we’ll fall short many times, but I am here to say this charitable love is attainable as we work on it daily.