valentines day tradition

Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt at Home (Kids LOVE This!!)

So, I’ve shared our little Valentine’s tradition with you a while back, here on OSSS and also on Make and Takes. It’s just something simple that I came up with because I was still pooped from Christmas and didn’t feel like the kids needed any more toys. I decided that every Valentine’s Day we would do BOOKS. Yay, for books! But, not just books… a Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt! Even though I told you about it before, I decided it’s okay to bring it up again because THIS TIME I have printable for you… cause guess what?? I just figured out how to make them the other day. Now there’s no stopping me.

Don't let this white chocolate raspberry jello cake fool you! It's a dressed up box cake mix with everyone's favorite jiggly indulgence on top. Get the recipe on the blog:
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White Chocolate Raspberry Jello Cake (she: Jana)

If you want to impress your special someone for Valentine’s Day look no further than this cake! I like to make a fun special dinner for my family on Valentine’s Day with a decadent dessert. Don’t let this white chocolate raspberry jello cake fool you, though. It’s a dressed up box cake mix with everyone’s favorite jiggly indulgence on top.

Help your early learners practice their math skills with this free printable cupid counting page. Get the free download from #valentines #valentineprintable #cupid #cupidcounting
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Cupid Counting Printable – Get Ready for Valentine’s Day! (she: Liz)

My kindergartner is just starting to learn math facts. So far she is doing really well and has caught on quickly. I thought it would be fun to create a math fact sheet centering around Valentine’s Day. So cupid counting was created. I wanted to create something that could be used over and over again and help understanding the various combinations in adding up to different numbers.

Love Like Jesus - A Valentine inspired Family Night lesson is up on the blog today! Get all the details at #lovelikejesus #christ #valentinelesson #valentinesday #valentine #bemyvalentine

Love Like Jesus – A Valentine’s Day-Inspired Family Night (she: Adelle)

This Family Night activity will help you teach your family how to love like Jesus did. Follow His example to bring more meaningful love into your family and other relationships. Jesus showed love in several different ways. Study his methods and then make goals to apply them in your own life.

Red Velvet Mug Cake - A Perfect Valentine's Day Dessert
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Red Velvet Mug Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting (She: Lisa)

Treat your loved one (or yourself) to this Red Velvet Mug Cake. This mug cake is moist, egg-free and utterly delicious with that distinctive red velvet flavour, and even topped off with a complimenting cream cheese frosting – Perfect, easy and ready in no time!

Nontraditional Valentine Ideas – Becoming a Veritable Valentine Virtuoso (he: Dan)

Nontraditional Valentine Ideas – Becoming a Veritable Valentine Virtuoso (he: Dan)

I am the Forrest Gump of Valentine’s Day. Well actually, the only thing Forrest and I share in that regard is that we are both not very smart men, but we know what love is… and I guess that you could say that past Valentine’s Days for my wife were like Forrest’s proverbial box of chocolates. She just never knew what she was gonna get…if anything. On Valentine’s Days of yesteryear I think I occasionally handed my wife an empty box of chocolates, figuratively speaking, on the international day of love.