Fresh Peach Dessert

Fresh Peach Dessert

I ain’t kiddin’ you, this is the BEST summer dessert! Thanks to my hubby’s fam for introducing this recipe to me! Here are your ingredients: Crush up the graham crackers, and add one stick of butter (melted) Press the mixture into a 9×13 pan Mix condensed milk, and lemon juice together. Stir condensed milk mixture…

Sharing the Bathroom with a Man ~

Sharing the Bathroom with a Man ~

Warning: Post May Be Offensive To Some Viewers.  Subject Matter Contains Potty Language and Adult Themes. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.   Marriage Trials: Money, Infidelity, Lack of Communication, In-Laws, Punk Attitude, and Bathroom Sharing.  Bathroom Sharing is a subject that is FAR too overlooked and ignored by Marriage Counselors, Psychologists, Clergy, Oprah and Glamour Magazine….

~ Non-Frizzy Curls for Naturally Curly Hair ~

Reader, Anna emailed and asked for advice on taming frizzy curls. I jumped on that because guess what…I have curly hair! Curly, curly hair. And, I’m pretty sure I’ve got the “non-frizzy” and “non-crunchy” curls down pat….after years of ultra-frizz. (It’s not very often that we post pictures of ourselves, but I felt like I…