
Would You Rather Be "Supermom" OR A Real Super Mom?

We’ve all heard it said before, “Oh, you’re supermom.”  “Of course, you can do it.  You’re supermom.”  What the heck does that even mean?  Does it mean “perfect mom”?  Do we really think anyone is a 100% PERFECT mom??  I’ve decided that “supermom” can mean different things to different people, but it usually encompasses several…

So Much To Do, So Little Time ~ How I Find Stress Relief

So Much To Do, So Little Time ~ How I Find Stress Relief

I’ll let you in on a little secret.  I have been a complete basket-case, lately.  I feel completely overwhelmed with everything I have to do.  I fantasize about running away for a couple week, do you ever do that?  I know you’re all busy too, but it would be therapeutic if you would allow me…

Family Night: Forgiving Others (& Super Yummy Lemon Bars!)
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Family Night: Forgiving Others (& Super Yummy Lemon Bars!)

* Family Night is a designated night, once a week, where you sit down with your family…have a lesson, an activity, and a treat. It’s a great way to spend time together as a family and teach your children about the important things they don’t learn in school. * I put together this lesson on…