teenage birthday party
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16 Birthday Party Ideas for Teenage Girls

Teenage birthday parties are tough because princess and pirate themes are no longer an option and you’re limited to what’s “cool,” which is an ever-changing and somewhat risky thing for parents to shoot for… That being said, I went hunting and found 16 birthday party ideas for teenagers that I think (hey, I’m just shooting to be cool too) could win you the title of “Cool Parent” (at least until you have to take away their cell phone again) and make your teenager’s next birthday party the best yet!

Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline

Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline

I hope you’ll enjoy this Family Home Evening idea: Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline. You can print the entire lesson off using the link to the pdf file, at the bottom of this post, excluding the pictures. Did you know that before we were born, God granted us all a very special…

This Free Printable Kind Words Activity Sheet is perfect for a Family Night Lesson! www.orsoshesays.com #FHE #MyChurch #FamilyNight #Kindness #KindWords #FamilyActivity

Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words-Family Night Lesson

We did an activity to drive home the point that words can be used for good. It changed my life. I would never had suspected how my testimony would grow from a simple “children’s exercise.” I felt inspired to share it with our blog readers (YOU!) and hope that it will be as impactful in your homes as it was for me at our activity.