Banana Split Mini Bundts | Baking a Moment
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Banana Split Mini Bundt Cakes (she: Allie)

Banana Split Mini Bundt Cakes are such a Fun Treat! Moist Banana Cake is Filled with Pineapple, and Topped with Strawberry Buttercream, Chocolate Sauce, Peanuts, and a Cherry on Top. Perfect for your next Party!

When I think of Spring, I think of birthday parties. Both my boys were Spring babies, and I love that! When they were first born, I loved that just when we were ready to venture out of our little cocoon, gorgeous warm breezes were beckoning us to go on long stroller walks. And now that they’re bigger, I love that presents, parties, and games are there for them, just when their house-bound stir-craziness is at a fever pitch.

Since baking’s my favorite, I always try to come up with something super-special and fun for them on their birthdays. I think these Banana Split Mini Bundt Cakes definitely fit the bill!

crab stuffed lobster
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Crab Stuffed Lobster (she: Maria)

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and that this new month has started off well for you! I am so happy that March is here, since it means that the official beginning of spring is just a couple of days away now! And after this long, cold winter, that’s pretty good news! I’m excited to be back here and share another recipe with you today! If you don’t know me yet, I’m Maria from Shopgirl, and if you missed last month’s recipe (my Heart Shaped Puff Pastry Pockets) you can find it HERE! Today I’m sharing this Crab Stuffed Lobster with you, that makes for a perfect special dinner! My husband and I both love seafood, and love the fact that there is so much delicious seafood in Maryland, where we moved a little over a year ago. This recipe is basically a crab cake stuffed/topped lobster tail and if you’re a seafood lover, you will love this!

heart shaped puff pastry
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Heart Shaped Puff Pastry Pockets (she: Maria)

Since Valentine’s Day is coming up soon, I thought I would share this fun and easy (and so delicious!) sweet treat with you today! These little heart shaped puff pastry pockets would make for a great special breakfast or snack, and a box of these would make for a tasty gift on Valentine’s Day, or any other day!

simple corn bread muffins with maple butter
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Simple Corn Bread Muffins with Maple Butter (she: Jana)

These simple Corn Bread Muffins are one of my favorites and they are so quick and easy to throw together, they almost always make an appearance with any soup we have. They have just the right amount of sweetness in them and they’re not dry and crumbly like a lot of corn bread can be. They can be eaten plain, with butter or honey, jam or my favorite…maple butter. They make the perfect addition to your favorite soup. And if you’re planning on having soup or chili for the Super Bowl (Go BRONCOS!!! Yes, I’m a Coloradan and a Manning fan!!!) these would make the game (and soup!) even better. So check them out and add them to your party line up (or maybe just your next dinner).

dinner exchange

Tips for Starting a Dinner Exchange (she: Allison)

Hello! It’s Allison from Tips for Family Trips. I’m straying from travel this month to share an idea that has made dinner easier for my busy family.

My family’s dinner will be delivered to our house tonight, and not by Pizza Hut. I participate in a dinner exchange with two other families where each of us cooks the same meal for all three families on one night each week. Wednesday is my night to cook. Friday is my family’s pizza night, and we often spend weekends traveling or with extended family. These days, I only cook on two nights each week.

Here are my tips for starting your own dinner exchange:

Grilled Steak with BBQ, Ranch, Corn & Black Bean Relish
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Grilled Steak with BBQ, Ranch, Corn & Black Bean Relish

Grilled Steak with BBQ, Ranch, Corn, & Black Bean Relish.

Okay, now THAT’S quite the recipe name! I wanted to add green chilies, cumin, red peppers, red onions and cilantro to the title as well, but figured that might be a little TOO much.:)

There is so much to love about this recipe. Let me count the ways…

Make Fresh Pasta (she: Allison)
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Make Fresh Pasta (she: Allison)

 Hi! I’m Allison Gryski, a Canadian expat living in Amsterdam. I like to describe myself as a bookish artist, exuberant baker, usability snob, discerning gourmandise, and occasional freelance dragon seeker. I also like travel, thrift store bargains, bicycles, and afternoon naps. You can find my blog at: Making fresh pasta is something fun to…